Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I just had the worst epiphany ever

Ever since I was a teenager, I have looked forward to my 30s and 40s. I always thought that would be the best time of my life. By then I would understand who I was, and I would be settled into my life. (I also assumed I would be married and have kids. No problem on the first one; so much for the second one. But I digress.)

I didn't spend much time thinking about the meantime, but I guess I assumed I would get all the "exploring" out of the way, get all that "figuring stuff out" done so I could relax.

I'm twenty-seven years old. I've barely explored anywhere, and I haven't figured out anything!

What am I doing with my life? Why am I sitting around in my underwear reading blogs and watching MacGyver at 4 in the freaking afternoon?

I may be somewhat "trapped" by our current lack of funds, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything! It just means I have to try harder to make the things I want to do work out.

But instead, I've just been sitting around whining and wishing.

I'm going to run out of "exploring" time before I've actually done anything!


Miklos said...

Definitely don't be down. I love sitting around in my underwear.

A lack of funds can be very depressing, but it just takes time to work everything out.

Thanks for the comments and the link! You have a great blog and I hope you get to Japan soon!

Heather Meadows said...

slackv, I wonder if I can adjust to being comforted by the fact that nothing is certain, rather than being comforted by "faith" in the belief that someday everything will make sense...

MacGyver 0wnz. I've seen The Guyver the movie, wherein Mark Hamill metamorphoses into a giant preying mantis. There is no comparison.

The kids'll get over it ;>

Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it.

Miklos, thanks for coming by, and for the kind words! I hope I can get back to Japan soon too ;>