Tuesday, August 8, 2006


I was in the middle of catching up the weekend's stories when the phone rang.

"Please," I said for no one's benefit, "don't ask me how to use [a software application available on our website]." Then I picked up the phone. "Heather Meadows."

"Um, yes. You had a story on this morning about the car accident where my husband died."

There was a pause. I filled it with, "Oh. Yes, ma'am."

"I was wondering if it was going to be on the website."

"Um, yes, it should be up in a couple of hours."

"I just want to know what happened to him. I've been at the hospital...I can't get the police report."

A few of my brain cells recovered enough for me to say, "I'll get it up as soon as I can, ma'am."

I was supposed to be in a meeting in ten minutes.

I was a little late.


Anonymous said...

I really liked this post.

B Goei said...

hmm. an amazing post. what a difficult feeling to put into words...

Miklos said...

Switching off autofocus is jolting for the senses.