Wednesday, September 27, 2006

"I see you found the crumb. I knew you wouldn't notice the enormous flag."

Darkwing wishes for a clue

Darkwing spots the crumb

NegaDuck trips Darkwing

NegaDuck gloats over Darkwing

Darkwing blinks


Anonymous said...

Oh dear god. I remember that scene. O_o

Anonymous said...

Cute. :)

My younger brother watched Darkwing Duck when we were growing up, but I just never got into it. I liked Tiny Toons, and would watch that with him, though. :) Plucky was my personal fave, and my younger brother even gave me a Plucky Duck for Christmas one year. Hmmm, I still have him, too, but I think he's in the closet. Need to dig him out, along with my teddy bear.. :)

Heather Meadows said...

I liked Plucky the best, too, with Buster and Babs coming in close second.

Fowlmouth (voiced by Rob Paulsen, who did Steelbeak in Darkwing Duck, Yakko in Animaniacs, Pinky in Pinky and the Brain, Raphael in the original TMNT, and a host of other cartoon voices, and is now "Mr. Opportunity" in Honda commercials) was so annoying, though...

I loved to hate Montana Max :D

And I'll always remember "What I Did on My Summer Vacation", especially the part where a swamp hick is trying to marry his two daughters to Buster.

"That's bigamy!" Buster protested.

"Naw, that's big o' me."

Anonymous said...

Yeargh, you're making me want to invest in yet another DVD series and I'm already so behind on my DVD watching. I literally have a huge stack of DVDs just sitting there waiting for me to watch them.


Heather Meadows said...

haha :D

I don't have a huge stack, but I do have a Netflixed movie, still unopened, that's been sitting on my desk for something like three months.

That's one expensive rental...