Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Pollen, and work

Spring is coming. We're right on the cusp. I know because of the pressure in my sinuses and the beginnings of tears that are suddenly ever-present in my eyes. Yes, that's right, folks...allergy season is here.

Last night I had a horrible migraine. I thought it was simply due to the work I've been doing on a new website for Macross 2051 (I've created a new layout and I'm translating it into the proper code for Mambo Content Management System), and though I did take some allergy medicine in the hopes that it would help, I didn't really believe allergies were the prime suspect.

Today after work I noticed a light dusting of yellow powder on my car. So yeah. Allergies.

Augusta has one of the highest pollen concentrations in the world. Pollen forecast from the Weather Channel; pollen forecast from the makers of Zyrtec. ;> Whichever one you trust, we've got pollen, people. I've turned on the air conditioning in the hopes that it will help filter some of it out, but I'm getting the feeling that this sinus pressure will stick with me all week :(

In other news...

I haven't been posting lately, but that's not due to a lack of things to say. Either I've been busy doing something else or I've been too tired to write or, the case that happens a lot, I didn't want to post because I'm going to redo this website in Mambo and I didn't want to spend energy writing something that I would have to port over later. But heck, I'm going to be working on it for quite some time, so I may as well journal in the meantime. Life's too short not to blog.

Yes, that was lame. Intentionally lame ;D

Today I talked with Robert about rearranging the office. He had my desk facing one of the sets of windows; I want to turn it to go along the wall to the left, so that I have a better view of the door and so as to open up more space in the center of the room. This will involve shifting some free-standing shelves around and sliding his desk and the mini fridge a few feet away, but it won't be a big deal, and hopefully the result will make the office look nice and neat. We've had clients stop in and we look sort of unprofessional right now. As soon as the main area is laid out the way I want it, I'm going to work on the finer details of spiffifying the office. Should be fun; I like interior design.

I also mentioned to him that I'm going to want a week off sometime in the next two months, and I told him that I would work eight hour shifts the week before or after in order to make up my time. I then asked him when it would be convenient for him for me to go, since the new project will be starting this month. He said that two weeks after the project gets off the ground should be fine, so that means maybe the week of April 5. Of course, you all should know what I plan to do during that time...visit my family!

A week-long vacation to see them will probably be better than the trips I've been making, where I go for an undetermined amount of time and then end up getting too attached. One week should be fine. I felt better after the Christmas visit than I had for the other visits, and I really think it was a matter of planning how long the stay would be. I think not having a definite leave date puts me in the wrong mindset, especially towards the end of the visit.

Plus, now I have something to come back to besides housework! (Oh, and Sean, of course ;>)

Today was slower than usual at work, otherwise. I finally managed to scour some of the local magazines for restaurant leads. I also stocked up on printed materials (address labels, instructions, etc), and I affixed quite a few return address labels to bubble mailers. That puts me in good shape for tomorrow, when I have to mail packages.

I just remembered two things I forgot to do while I was at work. Bleh.

I'll blame them on my sinuses...


Anonymous said...

2004-03-04 00:29

I know how ya feel, I've been sick lately and my sinuses is all blocked up as well. Although allergies are MUCH more severe, I semi-feel your pain, Hea-chan.

Oh, and I apologize for the slowness on SF, mainly due to the cold I caught right after funeral ordeal. I'm getting better so things will pick right back up again.

Its great to hear you're working on a new AMRN website, I can't wait to see how it turns out. ^_^

Heather Meadows said...

2004-03-05 19:39

No problem! I've been rather slow myself, and I don't actually have a good reason ^^;;

As far as the sinuses, running the A/C all day has really helped. I feel a lot better.