Thursday, June 9, 2005

Oh, great

The Guardian: UN alert as nuclear plans go missing (via Drudge)


Anonymous said...

You're going to like this, I think.

Just go there and read the story, paying special attention to the very END of the story. Namely a QUPTE that comes from near the very END.


Anonymous said...

Crap. "quote"

Heather Meadows said...

slackv: KHAAAN!

AJ: OMG, you made my day with that.

Pill called the film good VHS quality, but acknowledged it isn't on par with that produced by some personal camcorders.

"George Lucas isn't going to use this to shoot Star Wars IV," he said, "but a budding George Lucas may use this to shoot something in his backyard."


Anonymous said...

Heather Meadows said...

You know, I actually thought of that comic strip when I read the article :D