Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sweet rig

Today's Penny Arcade is absolutely hilarious, and so is Tycho's rant:

It's a little inside baseball I guess, but at the same time the story was so delicious that we couldn't leave it be: a District Attorney in Texas is on trial for building himself a sweet rig on the county dime. The machine in question sports "two hard drives, seven fans, high-end video and audio cards, a wireless Internet connection and cables that glow under ultraviolet light." It's a crime, yeah, but it's an awesome crime. I make an exception for awesome crimes.

"I would not configure a backup computer in that way," says Mr. Gregg, FBI senior forensic examiner and reigning Understatement King.


Brooke said...

Sounds like what one of the IT assistants did at my previous place of employment, before he got canned.

It would have made one helluva gaming machine, but it was a bit "over qualified" in the wrong directions to be the server that had been ordered by the CEO.

I don't think all the lighted fans and glowing cables on that box were actually going to be beneficial for the business. It did LOOK nice, though.

Heather Meadows said...

hahaha :>