Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brookie's here!

And here she is.

She and David and I met for lunch at the Boll Weevil. I ordered the exact same thing I had a week or so ago with a group from work: chicken salad sandwich (they make it with honey mustard and horseradish!) and potato soup. Then, of course, I had to have dessert...a piece of chocolate raspberry rhapsody cake. (This was different from the other day, when I had the 7th Heaven chocolate cake...)

Anyway, enough about the food. It is so great to have Brooke back in town. Now I just need to make sure I spend as much time with her as possible! She has already dedicated next Wednesday to me, and hopefully we'll do all sorts of fun things and maybe even take a half-day trip somewhere...but one day is not enough! I still miss the days when I could call her after work and say "What's up?" and just go to her place to hang out. My evenings are very quiet these days, except for those occasions when I get to go out with work peeps.

They're making plans to move back to the States someday, maybe in two years, so by the time our next lease is up at this apartment, I might have my best friend back ;>


Brooke said...

That lemon cake was effin' amazing!!

Yes, next Wednesday is Heather and Brooke day; I'm sure we'll find all SORTS of things to get into during the daylight hours, then afterwards, we could always watch anime til I start to pass out. :P

We must eat lime sherbet while we do this. And I must make the Eton Mess this evening. The E.M. and I found some curry sauces at Williams Sonoma today, so we could do a curry like he and I make at home, then have the Eton Mess --it'd be like being back in England! ;)

That picture didn't turn out nearly as bad as I thought it might, but I still have an extra chin in there, and my hand looks really bizarre while I'm holding the fork. And is it just me, or does my eye makeup look like I stole it off of a circus clown? Because maybe I did, and maybe I didn't...

And you know, if your lease is up when we move back, you're required BY LAW to buy the house next to the one we get. That's just how it's supposed to be.

Brooke said...

I knew I had meant to say more but forgot:

I miss those days, too, when you would come over after work, and Dhonn would walk all over us while we ate dinner, and watched anime.

Those were some good times, indeed.

But just think, in the future we have a pool to look forward to, and Neep and Tattie to crawl all over us while we eat something as we sit on the sofa, and watch some anime you brought to my house after you got off from work.

I'm looking forward to it.

Heather Meadows said...

I can't wait! Both for Wednesday, and for the magical days when you live here again, and have a pool ;D