Sunday, April 26, 2009

New "Latest Links" item in right menu

I've added an item to my sidebar called "Latest Links". It pulls the 15 most recent items I've bookmarked on Delicious into this page. Now it's easy for you to see what I'm reading and looking at online.

I've been doing a lot more reading lately, and there are plenty of interesting things out there to share with everyone. However, I didn't want to become a link-poster on Twitter. Twitter's not about sharing links; it's about giving people a window into your life, and working on crafting succinct, evocative prose. At least, that's what I want to use it for!

In the old days I used to post link roundups here on my blog, but I didn't want to go back to doing that either. I often don't have much to say about a link other than a brief observation, and I don't think that warrants a blog post. If I do have a lot to say, of course, I'll post it...but I really don't have time to discuss the minutiae of everything I see.

Delicious suits quickly sharing content perfectly.

I first tried the service in 2005. Back then I was trying to use it to organize permanent bookmarks, not to share interesting links. I didn't really get it, and I ended up quitting pretty quickly. Now, though, I realize that it does exactly what I need!

You can find me on Delicious here.

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