Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A new outlook

In 2005, I spent a great deal of time cataloguing my health issues and general feeling of wellness (or lack thereof). I was hoping to be able to chart patterns, or later have a record of my conception. (Even when I give up hope, I don't give up hope!)

I don't think it's bad to have a good record of how I feel, but I do think that making note of things like that ended up causing me to be overly sensitive to discomfort. That, in turn, has affected my working life.

Yesterday I realized that if I keep getting so concerned about every little thing, I won't be able to work properly. I'll keep thinking that there must be something wrong, that I need to rest, that my "symptoms" mean something. It's distracting. It causes me to lose my focus.

Last week, I felt a little ill, and went home early one day.

Yesterday, I felt run down, but I changed my attitude. Instead of concentrating on how I felt so I could analyze it, I thought, "I feel fine." And I was amazingly productive yesterday.

So, even though I just had a sudden twinge of pain in my abdomen (on a scale from 1 to 10, I'd rate it maybe a 2), I'm not going to obsess about it. I'm going to just get on with things.

After all, that's what normal people do, and I want to live a normal life too.

(By the way, after my freakish 99.whatever temperature spike and freakish 96.whatever temperature drop, I'm back in the 97s, which is my average temperature. I have no idea if this means I'm ovulating or not, but I haven't had a period yet.)


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that you are actually trying to conceive. I hope you are taking prenatal vitamins?

Heather Meadows said...

I'm not trying to do anything. But I'm not trying not to do anything either.

That's not actually accurate, but it sounds cool so I'll leave it ;>

What I am doing is underdoing treatments to see if I can become fertile, and not using any birth control. :> So if I happen to become fertile, there's a chance I could also become pregnant.

I take 1200 mg of calcium and a multivitamin every day. I'm also on mild blood pressure medication and thyroid medication, and I recently started taking folic acid (not sure why, but the endocrinologist told me to. Maybe I should ask!).

Anonymous said...

Ah, there you go then! The folic acid is the crux of the prenatal vitamin, so to speak. Sounds like you've got a good doctor. (Folic acid prevents birth defects like spina bifida.)