Thursday, July 13, 2006

Crazy audience participation reverse questionnaire thing

(See, I avoid the word "meme" as much as possible)

So Dariush started this (at least in my blog circles), and Stu decided he wanted to include me, so here I am. I'll list all the places where I get done up in this post. It may grow into quite the tangled web!

If you comment here:

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll challenge you to try something.
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you.
4. I'll tell you something I like about you.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you.
8. I'll pick a song that reminds me of you.

If I get too many challenges, I may suffocate under the backlog. I still need to draw Yuffie for Tim! (Not to mention there's a little something I promised Magazine Man I'd do, oh, last year. :P) In any case, here's the roundup so far:

Stu has challenged me to read a book of poetry and write about it. Here are my responses to his rundown.

Dariush has challenged me to listen to Foreigner. (Considering the rest of his rundown, I wonder if this isn't a gaijin in-joke...) Here are my responses.

Goei has challenged me to pick a few songs he's listed on his blog and give them a listen. I think I'm going to enjoy that one :) Here's his rundown, and here are my responses.


Heather Meadows said...

Of course you have!


1. You have a beautiful daughter.
2. I challenge you to go on a photography trip to someplace you love...but only take one picture. One fabulous picture! Then turn your blog back on and write about the experience.
3. I'm seeing a green, a little lighter than hunter green.
4. You are so unquestionably generous. It is really impressive and humbling.
5. Although I met you many years ago, my clearest, oldest memory is when I was waiting to interview at your work and you walked by and stopped to talk with me. I actually had trouble recognizing you at first, but ever since then, the image of you stopping in that hallway/lobby has stuck in my mind.
6. You're a panda. A daddy panda.
7. Hmm...I guess I have always wanted to ask you how you learned web design, but that seems like such a boring question :>
8. "In My Father's Eyes"

So I think it's pretty obvious that I think of you as a father... :>

Dyson said...

Okay, I'd like to hear what you'd have to say about me. Since all I normally comment on is anime stuff. ^_^

And don't worry about the picture, just don't forget about it. Drawing something is never that easy.

Heather Meadows said...


1. You like Tim Horton's.
2. I challenge you to write a blog post describing your day, without saying anything about what you were thinking or feeling. Use setting and action to tell the story.
3. Yellow.
4. I like that you come here and respond to my anime posts! It's fun to actually have some dialogue every now and then ;>
5. You know, you're one of those people who seem like they were always there. I can only think of vague things like how you post(ed?) on the AMRN and seeing you in the chat.
6. A bee, fastidiously building his hive.
7. Do you have any idea how "Timbits" comes off to people who aren't from Canada?
8. "God Bless" from Haruhi, I think because we have spent so much time discussing the show :>

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, wow, a reverse meme!! Alright, I'll bite.. ;)

Shafa said...

I posted your responses! And also my response to yours! :(

Heather Meadows said...


1. Cheese crackers!
2. I challenge you to go six hours without doing something David-related. Mwahahahaha! (And when you're asleep doesn't count--you'd probably be dreaming about him anyway.)
3. Orange, for some reason
4. I like your odd combination of open caring and guarded protectiveness. It's also infuriating at times ;>
5. Easy: the first day we met, when you came to Mari and Kelly's apartment for DDR. You looked like a cute, punky, cheerful college girl. I thought you were 22.
6. A cute doggie, because you're so eager to please, and you need attention, and you're happy when people around you are happy. ;)
7. Are you a freaking moron?! (Okay, that's what I wanted to ask you that back when you were doing you-know-what with you-know-who. I always wanted to. It doesn't apply now, but hey. Otherwise, I pretty much ask you when I want to know stuff, so I don't really have a contemporary question to put here.)
8. Nickelback - Photo Album

Heather Meadows said...

Dariush, you posted, so I'm doing you! No, not doing you...oh, never mind.

1. You like to greet me with Japanese that's often in the wrong context. But I love you anyway.
2. I challenge you to attend a meeting of UK Anime! And then tell me how it was. Or post about it in your blog. Or something. I went back when it was called AMUK, and then there was a huge coup after I left and all the old members were ousted and it was crazy, so I'd like to know how they do things these days. Last I heard, they were getting some crazy corporate sponsorships and shit.
3. Brown. The brown of Indiana Jones' fedora. Though it might be a newshound's fedora.
4. Your sense of humor is awesome.
5. My first memory of you is when I realized that Sharfa was not typo'ing her nick in the Masthead comments.
6. I swear, this is the hardest one. I think "bear" is too obvious, but I'm having trouble coming up with anything else. So bear it is.
7. Why not go by "Dariush" or "American Twentysomething" when posting comments? Do you enjoy sowing the seeds of chaos and confusion? ;>
8. Wait, this one might be harder than the animal one. Or they're tied. I'm not really a music-reminds-me-of-people person. I'm a oooh-that-was-orchestrated-and-performed-really-well person. So hmm. How about track 13 from Darude's Before the Storm? It seems you-ish.

Christopher said...

Interesting little meme, this'll be good. ^_^

Heather Meadows said...

1. You were the first to draw Chibi Bunny Heather.
2. Actually POST on your supposed Japanese-only blog. Not someday; right now. DO IT!
3. The reddish brown of a fox.
4. I like how hardworking and optimistic you try to be and are, despite life's difficulties.
5. Right now, my clearest memory is the horror I felt reading that thread with Az's character being seduced by your character. Remember that? :>
6. A cute little fox (kitsune).
7. Where did Sophia come from? How did you come up with her?
8. "Happy People" from Bleach.

B Goei said...

hmm, now that you've posted it, i always wondered what your impression of me is. now, this might be difficult seeing as how our correspondence fades in and out, so don't sweat it if you can't answer certain things. still though! i'm on the edge of my seat!

Heather Meadows said...

You know, there's a condition of this thing that I forgot to put in my post, and that is that everyone who comments is supposed to post this on their blog, too. You all should do that! It's okay if you don't, but it'd be more fun ;)


1. You don't seem to be the sniper type, despite your blog's name. You don't even snipe with words, I don't think, because that word has a connotation of detachment that I can't associate with you. You do observe, but I think you are very involved in what you observe. And that's why you write about it.
2. I challenge you to take an intro to linguistics course while you're still in college, if you can (and if you haven't already). It's interesting to look at language from that perspective :)
3. Very, very dark purple, with black shadows.
4. I love the imagery in your writing. It's always so expressive and unique.
5. The first time I "met" you was when I searched on Blogger for others who had "emotion" as one of their interests in their profiles. I remember thinking that that, and the attempt to share our lives through writing, were about the only things we had in common.
6. A tiny, bright green lizard, scuttling around and poking his head out from behind a rock, and flicking his tongue.
7. Did you ever manage to give up smoking?
8. Some emotional, angsty rock/alternative/non-mainstream song I've never heard of. ;)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to flip this meme sort of back around, and do the same thing to you, Hea.. ;)

2. I challenge you to face head on just one scary thing that you keep deep inside, and know that you've got friends/family who can make up one incredible support system for you! You're not alone, Hea. :)
3. Purple. That pretty lightish purple that you try to argue me down as being pink.
4. I like your command of the English language; I admire that deeply.
5. My first memory of you is from the same day of your memory of me. You had LOOONG blonde hair down your back, and you were wearing that disputed purple/pink color; we were going to play DDR. I thought you thought I was too loud.
6. You remind me of a koala, because they, too, have light complexions, and they're SO DARNED HUGGABLE!!
7. My question is: When shall we go pick out your dress for my wedding? ;)
8. This is easy, it's one of my favorites!!

Heather Meadows said...

1. It's totally all about Country Pride XD

2. That's a pretty heavy challenge, there :> Did you have something in particular in mind? Should I face my fear of cockroaches? (If so, I will abstain from this challenge ;>)

3. Sometimes it's pink and sometimes it's purple, damn it!

4. *commands the English language to go for a walk*

5. I still can't remember what I was wearing that day. All I really remember was that I took the DDR very seriously.

6. Awwwww, a koala! I can live with that ;D I used to have a cute koala stuffed animal. Not sure where she got off to.

7. When I lose about 100 pounds.

8. ROCK! I am an Internet phenomenon!

Christopher said...

1. You were the first to draw Chibi Bunny Heather.

-- That's right! I was the first to do that! I think I still have the original drawing too....^-^

2. Actually POST on your supposed Japanese-only blog. Not someday; right now. DO IT!

--I'm trying! Its hard enough to post on my english one lol. It is very 'supposed' isn't it?

3. The reddish brown of a fox.

-Interesting, I can see that.

4. I like how hardworking and optimistic you try to be and are, despite life's difficulties.

--Aww, I feel warm and fuzzy inside *hug* thanks ^_^

5. Right now, my clearest memory is the horror I felt reading that thread with Az's character being seduced by your character. Remember that? :>

--Oh good god I can't believe you remember that! Dear lord I didn't wanna do it, but Az was insistent...I'll have to swipe that from the threads someday, just to remind me what peer pressure can do lol
6. A cute little fox (kitsune).

--*smile* I like being cute, and I actually really like kitsunes.

7. Where did Sophia come from? How did you come up with her?

--Actually, she was originally concepted a normal NPC with a bland name that Az came up with. He had me do some things with her on an NPC level, and late one night I told him I wanted to use her and build her more than what she is already. And that's how she came into being. Too bad I never finished what I started with her. Same with Vincent, I miss him. ;_;

8. "Happy People" from Bleach.

--I gotta download that song now ^.^

Heather Meadows said...

Dude, I will never forget that. I'll be a little old lady, sitting in my rocker knitting a shawl, and all of a sudden I'll start shuddering at the memory.


I didn't realize you were under pressure to have her act that way, though; I thought it was all your idea. Interesting.

That, and what happened afterwards, seemed to me to be an elaborate penance.

B Goei said...

yeah, we aren't quite two peas in a pod are we? :-P whatever, it doesn't ever stop us from getting along now does it!

thank you for the heartfelt words which gave me the warm and fuzzies! we connect on some level because last quarter i took an intro to linguistics course and aced it, and once i'm settled with my other courses, i'm thinking of linguistics as a minor. i did quit smoking, but i've cheated so much that i think i'm going to have to quit all over again! :-(

Heather Meadows said...

Hmm, does that mean I should give you a new challenge? Well, here goes then! Quit smoking!


I'm all about warm fuzzies :D

So what do you think your color is? How did you react to "purple"? And how about the lizard? I can actually see you getting a lizard tattoo :>

B Goei said...

i think the color fits me well. people who have met me in person would probably say blue. whatever, close enough.

the lizard was a bit of a surprise to me, but i totally see what you mean. i think i'd have hours of fun just flicking my tongue.

and about the smoking, it's been quite a while since i last had one so it's really not that bad. when i said lately, i meant a couple months back, unless second-hand is cheating, because all my friends are now-a-days are a walking nicotine cloud. so i'll be fine as long as i don't let myself get tempted too much. thanks for looking out, though. ;-)

Heather Meadows said...

That's good, although second-hand smoke is still bad for you :/