Thursday, June 7, 2007

Don't give in and go sour

I just heard what may or may not be the theme for the new Transformers movie. (Autobots are watching over you!) Willis describes it as "awesomely terrible, and reminds me of 'Turtle Power' in almost all the right ways."

Ah, "Turtle Power". Do you want to know something horribly embarrassing about me? Back in the day, I loved TMNT. No, I mean really. I wanted to be Donatello, enough that I had gender issues in gym class when it came time to go to the locker room.


Anyway, it always bothered me that I could never be Donatello because I wasn't male. (The parts about not being a ninja or a turtle were secondary I guess.)

But then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles--the movie--came out. One day I was sitting in the family room listening to the music over the end credits, and it happened. There was a break in the music, and the rapper spoke these words like a blessing:

"If you stand for what you believe in, and have the strength to do what's right, that's Turtle Power."


So there it is, one of the most life-affirming moments in my adolescent years.

The pointing and laughing may


Brooke said...

Well, I'd started pointing and laughing much EARLIER than really allowed I guess, but you didn't know til I told you. :P

I've never been a TMNT fan. My younger brother was, but he was the right age for it. I guess I was a little old for it when it came out. Also, I preferred fairy fantasy type things, not turtles in eye masks.

Here's to some of that Turtle Power, Hea Hea.. :)

Heather Meadows said...

We both grew up with brothers, so that must not be the entire difference. Maybe your mom was more girly than mine :>

When I was in sixth grade, we were supposed to write letters to our heroes. I wrote mine to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, the creators of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I think you should change your Blogger profile pic.

Anonymous said...

To help draw any pointing and laughing fire... The very first CD I ever owned with the TMNT movie soundtrack. And, I still remember all of the words.


Heather Meadows said...

On the half shell,
They're the heroes four
In this day and age
Who could ask for more?

(I have always hated the whole "half shell" joke, since the Turtles obviously have whole shells.)

I used to have the entire film memorized. When I was bored, I would watch it in my head.

Also, I used to write TMNT fanfiction.

And apparently I've mentioned both of these facts on this blog before! I need to make sure I'm not repeating myself ;P

Brooke said...

Hmmm, yeah, might be a mom thing. Mmmm, sweet little mother memory from growing up: She always smelled like Chanel No.5... ;)

And what's the matter with my profile picture, you don't like my broken toe??

FINE, then.... :P

Brooke said...

There, I've changed it, now. I hope you're happy, Mrs. Meadows!!!!


Heather Meadows said...

I am! That's a lovely picture.

Heather Meadows said...

My mom and I were just talking on the phone, and towards the end of our conversation she said, "Talk to you later, Donatello."

Anonymous said...

Your mom is hilarious!

Heather Meadows said...


By the way, Jazz, someone with the initials MP that we used to know back in high school found me on MySpace the other day. You can email me if you want more details.