Monday, June 4, 2007

Trying a couple new things

I parked at a shopping center and walked from there to work this morning. It was a little warm to be doing that, plus it was all uphill, but I feel great.

The walk only took about 15 minutes, rather than the 30 I was expecting, but that's fine, since I was huffing and puffing by the end. I'll work my way up to 30.

I'll either walk to my car and bring it back up here at lunchtime, or wait until after work to do so, since it's usually daylight when I get off now.

Hopefully doing this will keep me getting at least a little exercise every day. Actually having a destination for a walk makes it much easier to commit to, so I'm thinking I should be able to keep this up.

I also packed my Fujiyama leftovers from last night into a new bento box I bought from Asian Art Mall, then wrapped the box up in a kitchen towel my mom gave me. It kind of looks authentic! Maybe the unique presentation will inspire me to cook/assemble a lunch more often.

I've been getting fond memories all morning of sitting at the low table with my Yatsushiro host family, eating breakfast--rice, eggs, vegetables, and various small items--and watching my host sister pack things from the table into her bento.

I'll add pictures of the bento to this post when I get home from work.

Update: Here they are. Out of focus, boo!


Brooke said...

YEY!! Sounds great; keep it up! It's nice to get a little bit of a walk in when you can; not everyone has that luxury..

I know what you mean, too, about having a destination for your walking making it a bit easier for you to actually DO it. I'll walk into the little town here at the drop of a hat, if I think I can go to Tesco's, or Coopland's, or SuperDrug, or one of those places. Granted, the little town's not very big at ALL, so the above places (a grocery, bakery, and drug store, respectively) aren't all that thrilling in and of themselves, but it's the getting there, and the looking around that add to the whole "get up and go do it!" for me.

Good luck, you'll get your own personal ball rolling.. :)

Heather Meadows said...

Strangely, when I got home from work yesterday I made dinner! I hope all this becomes my routine.

I had such a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I'll have to try to get to sleep earlier in the evening like I did Sunday night. Of course, I think all the walking was probably a factor too.

Still, I managed to get up, get my shower, pack my breakfast (Slim Fast and banana) and lunch (frozen dinner and peanut butter crackers), and get on the road on time to walk again today.

Today's walk didn't seem as hard as yesterday's, though there was a time when I looked over to my left, saw my destination, and despaired. (I have to walk in a roundabout way to get there due to some construction between work and the shopping center.) Today I was smart and wore workout clothes for the walk, so when I got to work I washed up and changed clothes. Too bad we don't have showers here...

The walk back is very easy in comparison; I remember thinking when I arrived at the parking lot "Wait, I'm here?" Yay for downhill. So that shouldn't be a problem today. I'm actually thinking about going to the Greeneway after work, since my bike is in the car...

I'm feeling pretty good for the first time in a long time. I'm really glad I thought of doing this.

Brooke said...

YEY!! :)