Friday, June 1, 2007

Why Smallville characters are stupid

If you've knocked your attacker down, don't assume they're down for good, turn, and run away. Hit them again. And again. And then tie them up, for Pete's sake!

Also. If there's a tornado? Don't get back into your truck! Lie down in the ditch! You live in Kansas, you should know these things.


Dyson said...

I was watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade tonight, and one of the things I noticed was that all the Nazis were really easy to beat up. Pretty much shrugging hard enough could knock one of them out, and then their surroundings would take care of the rest (Like tank treads, ouch).

Maybe that's the problem in Smallville, there's so much crazy stuff happening to them they can now safely assume they don't live in reality. If a half-arsed backhanded punch can't take someone down for good, what possibly could?

Oh, and being from a place with no tornadoes, I'd think that getting into a car and getting away from the tornado would be a good plan. This must also why I must never come in contact with a tornado.

Heather Meadows said...

If you can see the tornado, you do not want to be in a vehicle.

In this particular case, Lana had already wrecked her truck into the ditch, so she wouldn't have been able to drive away anyway, but regardless, being in it was a bad idea. She's lucky Clark came to save her :>

Here's some good tornado information.