Friday, July 13, 2007

Request to acquaintances of my best friend Brooke

Lay off, a'ight?

I don't know who it is who decided that pressuring newlyweds into having babies right now you're not getting any younger where are the babies oh they're so cute don't you want children I can't wait to babysit for you was a good idea, but it is not. Have you ever heard of letting people enjoy their marriage first? Especially Brooke and David, who didn't have the luxury of living anywhere near each other while they were dating?

I never thought anything good could come out of being most likely infertile, but I guess one good thing has been that no one really pesters me about when I'm going to get preggers. Every now and then someone will ask, but the most annoying thing I have to deal with is, "What about adoption? Adoption is so great." Most people understand that adoption is a choice, and don't really press.

But having kids the natural way is also a choice, and it seems like people don't get that!

So all of you who keep mentioning babies to Brooke: shut up. Just let her breathe. Let her adjust to living life 1) married; 2) in an entirely new country; 3) far away from her friends and everything she's ever known. Do you really think she needs to add kids to the pot? Can you demand with a clear conscience that children be brought into an already stressful situation before the parents are ready?

I know you love kids and all, but try thinking about other people's needs, mmkay?


Brooke said...

Thank you, Heather. I <3 you.

Heather Meadows said...


But of course, darling! Everyone you know reads my blog, right? Problem solved!


Seriously, don't let it get you down. Do something snooty, like you suggested to me when I quit my old job. Raise your chin, gaze down your nose, and say, "I hardly think a couple's reproductive choices are anyone else's business."

Or! Carry a hacky sack, and whenever the topic comes up, pull it out and throw it at people.

The options are limitless!

I love you too, sweetie :)

Brooke said...

I like the hacky sack idea.

Then again, I DO often have my green yo-yo in my pocket --still. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

Michaelangelo did some pretty impressive bolo-style knockouts with a yo-yo in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze.

Brooke said...

Yeah, they brought me in specially to train him, but I said, "You'd better be paying me the BIG BUCKS to be teaching a TURTLE how to yo-yo."

I think I did pretty well. And yeah, I invested the monies, or, err, something.