Friday, July 13, 2007

Wasting my 3000th post

Last night, I dreamed that spiders were mutating into much larger creatures and taking over human spaces. They could move freakishly fast, but they also died quickly and their corpses were everywhere. There were two characters in the dream, a detective-ish guy and a beautiful female journalist who both seemed to have stepped out of a black and white movie, and they were trying to figure out how to reclaim the world. The woman was apparently in trouble for doing a story about the spiders. The man started discussing the economic impact of spiders forcing people out of their homes and workplaces.

"Migration was pretty stable," he said, "until the teapot went into mass production in the 1930's." And then I visualized a line of giant, colorful teapots that stretched across the horizon, kicking up dust as they advanced.

"The Dust Bowl," I said knowingly.

As the two tried to figure out what to do about the spiders and their own issues, they of course fell in love. At some point Brooke was there, and we were both trying to take photos of a girl posing for some reason, and I was complaining that I needed a camera with a faster shutter.

Meanwhile, I was so distraught over what in the world to do about the spider problem that I started a blog post about it, with the title you see above.

Obviously I haven't been blogging in a few days, and now you know why--it's number 3000, and I wanted it to be awesome.

This has happened before, where I haven't posted because I wanted to write something "important", and each time I wound up unhappy because I wasn't posting. You know what? I like spouting my drivel. I wish I didn't care that I will never have a huge audience, but despite my desire for fame and glory I'm unwilling to stop doing what I'm doing...which is chronicling my life in a way that is fun for me.

So here, internet: here's a 3000th post typical of Heather Aubrey Meadows, with a dream and some indulgent self-analysis.

3000 posts is a big milestone. This blog has been around for awhile. It's obviously not the oldest blog in existence, but I am proud that I've kept it up. So many other blogs die out, with their authors either disappearing or starting a brand new blog, essentially denying everything they've previously written. I'm happy to have left my 3000 posts right where they are, on the same server, my faults and foibles and naive opinions of the past (and present!) archived forever for all to see, for so many years. And I intend to keep it up. I'm the main character of my life, after all. This is character development!

So, sorry to everyone who I told about this post and how I wanted it to be awesome. It is what it is: an affirmation of what has come before, and not a digression.


Merujo said...

Holy crow!!! 3000 posts?!? Amazing! Here's to the next 3000. Cheers! :)

Heather Meadows said...

Awww, thanks!

And yeah, 3000...though you have to take into account that some posts are only a few lines long, and I recall doing a couple that were nothing but a subject :> I'm not sure how many posts there are with actual substance.

But it's still pretty cool! And 3 is one of my favorite numbers :)

Brooke said...

Well, I LOVE this post! :) I was hoping you'd not hold out blogging much longer (I KNEW you were waiting to do something big, and that you'd probably end up "disappointing" yourself, because it wouldn't be as big a topic as you "wanted" it to be). I missed reading new stuff, so YEY! I think #3000 is PERFECT! And not because it's finally here, but because of exactly that, "it IS what it IS"!! Smashing. :) I'm glad you went along with your gut instinct, and wrote about just your general stuff, because believe it or not, it IS important to others. :)

I think it's impressive you've got the same blog, and all your posts, too. I've been thinking lately how I wish I still had my other one --I don't even remember what it was called, other than "A girl and her cat" subtitle. :( And I lost all of those posts, too. :( I wrote some stuff that wasn't all that to anyone but me, and I'd LOVE to have it all. Remember the one about the firefly? GOOD TIMES. I miss those posts. :(

And about dreams, I had a dream last night that I was stuck on the Lost island, and we kept ALMOST getting away, before we ended up starting over again. I'm not complaining, though, know why? Two reasons: Jack and Sawyer. OOOOOooooohh....!!!

Heather Meadows said...

I remember getting a little mad at you when you deleted your old blog. I'm a crazed archivist and it seriously bothered me that I wouldn't have your old posts to refer to in the future. (You can imagine what the fire did to me!)

Damn, I can't remember what your old blog was called, either. It would be in my bookmarks probably, except, you know, there was that fire ;P

I enjoyed writing #3000. When I woke up after dreaming about a blog post with the title "Wasting my 3000th post", I knew I had to use it! I'm just glad it was a fun post for someone other than me ;>

As for your can take Jack, and I'll take Sawyer ;>

Jered said...

I'm glad you finally got back to work with the blog, I was a little worried that you'd get so caught up in waiting to find something 'worthy' to write a post about that you'd never write again. Besides, there's only so much planning you can do in life, and most of the really spectacular things wind up jumping out at you when you least expect them. #3000 is a big achievement, and definitely something you should be proud of, but in my lopsided opinion, just writing a one line post to mark a line where it came along would've been just as poignant as anything. ^_^ That isn't to say that I'm not really happy with the post, people who can recollect dreams with any degree of clarity make me jealous, and the one you described sounded like more fun than I've had in years. I think you should have a little more confidence in your instincts, while you may never hit the million reader mark, you've definitely built a network of devoted fans! And we're all more important than being on the cover of Time, right? ;) Keep it up, here's to the next 3000 posts!

Heather Meadows said...

Fortunately, I don't have that much patience :D It was really annoying not blogging, because there were things I wanted to write about, and I felt like I couldn't. For awhile I toyed with the idea of "skipping" post #3000 and then coming back to it later. But I knew I never would, so I didn't do that.

I don't know what's up with my vivid dreams in the past few years, but I really enjoy them (except the disturbing ones).

Anonymous said...

The dust bowl: pure hilarity. You should think about making your dreams into stories with your writing (and dreaming) skills.

Heather Meadows said...

But Akira Kurosawa already did that!

Just kidding. It's actually not a bad idea. I will keep documenting my dreams and see if a connecting thread bubbles up in my mind. Or something.

Jasmine said...

I will be one of your loyal readers once you begin to write novels. I have always known it will happen eventually, too. I desperately hope to see the dust bowl allusion cropping up in one of them.