Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm getting tired of this ;P

I got a fever late Saturday night, and it kept coming back throughout Sunday and Monday. I took Tylenol Cold whenever it got too bad--i.e., I was freezing to death--and otherwise just tried to rest and drink juice. This morning I had a bit of a fever so I called my GP's office for an appointment to see what he thought. He only had an afternoon appointment available, so I took that and then went to work.

I got caught up on a few things and realized the breadth of work that is still to be done, then headed over to see Dr. B. I told him my symptoms--neck pain, slight sore throat, occasional cough, throat and nasal congestion, fever--and that I had been sick like this a couple weeks ago.

He surmised that I have just had two different viruses back to back, but he took a throat culture and prescribed Penicillin just in case I have strep throat.

As we were walking out of the exam room, he asked, "Do you need a work excuse?"

"For yesterday?" I asked. "I'm working today."

"You shouldn't be," he replied.

"...well, then, yes, I need an excuse."

And he wrote me a note that says I can't go back to work until Thursday.

Seriously. I have been out of sick days forever, and I have work that needs to get done, and I don't know how I can expect to be regarded as a professional if I'm out sick every couple of weeks! This is really frustrating.

I went to Walgreens to fill the prescription, and I picked up some hand sanitizer and Lysol disinfectant spray. I'm going to try to be ridiculous about cleanliness from now on. I'm also thinking I'd like to see what sorts of HEPA room filters are available on the market and if I could afford one, or preferably two: one for home and one for work. That might not be possible given all the other medical bills (another reason I'd like to be able to work!), but it's definitely worth looking into at least.



Brooke said...

Awww!! Feel better soon!

And I know what you mean about needing to work, and being told not to, I've just gone on to work, anyway, the times I needed, as long as I wasn't contagious.


Anonymous said...

Hepa filters for home sound great but some are inexpensive at Walmarts. I too went through the super sanitizing after my heart transplant and still keep it up somewhat today. There is nothing ridiculous about it, it's a good thing. Lysol is surface disinfectant and great for door handles, mail boxes and toilet handles plus the usual spots. I still use masks for doc's office and where other sick people are likely to be. If somone is sick I decide whether to go or go prepared with meds ahead of time (even if is just hand sanitizer used liberally). It is a drag to be sick I know so well but a sunny day, uplifting music and the love of God helps tons. Love ya honey, me

Heather Meadows said...

Brooke, I considered just going back to work anyway, but either I have a virus or strep throat, and those are contagious, right? :/ Plus my situation's a little different, with the CHF and all, so I don't know if I should take chances.

A.C., you and Mom are so secretive on here ;> And sometimes I might not realize which one of you is talking since you both use "me" to sign things. I think Mom is going to identify herself from now on...maybe.

I just got through disinfecting all my doorknobs, cabinet knobs, light switches, and toilet handles, and then I sprayed a Kleenex and wiped down my keyboard and mouse and mouse pad. I hope that helps!

Using a mask at the doctor's is a good idea. I half wonder if I should use one at work, since so many people are in and out of my office all day...

Brooke said...

Yeah, I guess you're right, I forgot about that part of it. :( I've been really big on the santizing things, and being really aware of people coughing around me, and stuff like that, though, because there are TONS MORE colds and bugs over here that I've NOT had, so regarding trying to stay well, I'm in the same boat with you and Anon, there. It really bugs me, too, because I REALLY NOTICE how many people DON'T cover their mouths when they cough, or DON'T wash their hands when they leave a lavatory. I'm sure it's not far off from the US average, but unfortunately I notice it more, so it makes me head think it's SO much worse here. There's a psychological term for that, I'll have to get out my forensic psych book at some point, and look that up. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

hahaha :D Yeah, I've started to become acutely aware of people being less than sanitary. Actually, I have been more conscious of general cleanliness since I started living with Sean. I used to think nothing of touching him after I had just eaten something and licked my fingers, and now I think that's totally disgusting :>

Lately I've been more paranoid about the things I touch, though, wondering if I should wash my hands constantly. Hopefully having the Lysol and the hand sanitizer around will help.

Chuck said...

I likewise am getting tired of winter illz. Started off with bronchitis, then had some kind of throat infection, and I'm currently getting over a cold. I went to work two days ago and I think people were wondering why I didn't call in sick (it's a pretty deep chest cold and I probably sounded bad.) Starting to get better though. Hope you feel better soon too!

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks :) I'm glad you're getting better. I feel fine and am going to work today...hopefully I will stay fine for today, tomorrow, the weekend, my week in Kentucky, and beyond...