Friday, December 14, 2007


I have some time to kill before I head over to Wicked Wasabi for Samantha's birthday, so I thought I'd share the photos I took today at the Unofficial Superlatives luncheon, held at Teresa's Mexican Restaurant.

The station did superlatives officially last year and announced them at the Christmas party. (I won "Neatest" and "Biggest Nerd", as I recall.) This year, for whatever reason, it was decided that superlatives wouldn't happen. Kassay and I thought this was rather lame, so we organized our own unofficial superlatives. Today was the day they were awarded.

A pretty big group of us were able to head over to Teresa's at lunchtime. Miraculously, we got a table right away, and we only had to wait a few minutes for everyone to arrive.

After everyone had ordered their food, I started announcing the winners, and Kassay passed out the beautiful gold-embossed certificates I had printed the day before. There were a lot of categories, and even more winners, because where there were ties I just decided to let everyone win rather than having a runoff. Several people won more than one superlative.

Scarily, Chris C. and I won superlatives in the exact same categories. (Does this mean we're BFF now?)

All in all, it was a really fun time. Even the people who didn't win anything said they enjoyed it. Really, it was just great to go out with so many coworkers at once. We had a blast :)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Mmmmmm, Teresa's...!! :)