Sunday, April 6, 2008

A nice community

I really like where we live. It's very convenient to all the west Augusta amenities, but because it's back away from main roads, it feels secluded and private, and people here are typically friendly. I'm not sure I know of any other community like this in the area. There are nice, quiet places on the outskirts, of course, but none so convenient to everything that I can think of.

At one time I was convinced that I wanted to move, but I've made the apartment more homey since then and I really can't think of anywhere else I would want to live at the moment. Even North Augusta, where I have wanted to live for some time, can't really offer me the privacy and convenience that this place can.

That said, I do wish our community had sidewalks...and bike trails would be awesome. I would also like it if there was a grocery store within walking or biking distance. Technically Kroger is not all that far, but I'm not sure I would feel safe biking on skinny Flowing Wells Road.

I have an idea for an ideal community that someday, when I have money to invest, I'd like to develop.


Brooke said...

I like your apartment, the layout's really nice for a cute little two bedroom. :) The apartment buildings aren't bad, either, and it's easy enough to get around in there. The condos all around you, though, and the little patio homes at first thought are nice, too, but they ALL LOOK THE SAME, so sea after sea of little boxes all set in this "let's cram as many in as we can" kind of grid-esque manner makes me feel closed in, personally, but that's just me. (A few years ago, when I'd been looking for a place to buy before I met David, I'd looked at those little patio homes over there, and that's why I vetoed that area.) As for convenience, I think you can't be beat. I'd also like to see that little area you were talking about with the water, where you like to go sometimes. :)

Heather Meadows said...

The newer ones do all look the same, but if you walk back into the older ones, where the trees have had a chance to grow back and people have been living there awhile, you see lots more diversity. They are still too uniform for me in terms of buying property to live in, though. If I owned any of those townhomes I would probably rent them to someone else.

The layout actually isn't a grid once you get far back enough. I think the worst spot for everything being in a row are the ones right near our apartment. On the other side of the street, and back down a ways, you get roads that curve a little and branch off and stuff. You're right, the ones that are grid-like were definitely crammed in later.