Friday, May 13, 2005

Anyway, Tycho is a fucking genius

In today's rant re: Donkey Konga 2 and the reviews thereof, Tycho notes:

I'll tell you that I'm tired of hearing every person who reviews the fucking game tell me what kinds of music they don't like. I don't give a flying fuck what kind of music you listen to. What I want to know is if these new songs provide interesting, original rhythms I can play solo or with my friends when they come over. Will it extend the amusement I get from the peripherals I purchased? I don't want to know what's on your fucking iPod, and I don't care if this music does not create in you a state of elevated consciousness. I've played through every song, and half again on the punishing difficult mode, and I vouch for the gameplay provided in this expansion. The tunes provided by Donkey Konga 2 include many popular "radio" songs which supposedly amount to a kind of despicable mainstream outreach program - as opposed to that solid gold line-up in the first Donkey Konga. I suppose these new "tracks" simply lack the ironic kick of the first game's "Bingo Was His Name-O" or the haunting, recursive nautical shanty "Row, Row, Row Your Boat."
Haunting, recursive nautical shanty!!!! God, I love that man.

Oh, look, that thingy where it asks me to enter a secret code is gone now. I hope they don't put it back ;P

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