Monday, May 23, 2005

A few meandering thoughts re: Japan, photography, and plans

From Japan Window's archives, here's a discussion of the preliminaries considerations in building your own house in Japan, rather than buying an existing one. Lots of good advice there. Also from the archives is this piece discussing strategies for learning Japanese. One of the comments particularly struck me: purchasing books and their corresponding books on tape in Japanese. And finally, here is a funny cultural story.

Over on Sushicam, I suggested that Jeff enter Mainichi's "Unseen Japan" photo contest. His photo choice may be problematic due to a rule that states that any picture in which a person can be identified (e.g., their face is clearly discernible, regardless of whether they are "famous" or not) be submitted only if the person in the photo has given permission for it to be entered. One of the commenters, Jon, linked to his own discussion of how problematic it is to photograph strangers. I well know the issues he discusses. (Jeff seems to do all right, though. Maybe it's an extravert thing.)

Speaking of Sushicam, Jeff is also going to be switching to WordPress, and he's also taking his sweet time about it. I'm not alone!

Plans for today:

  1. Have bloodwork done (expecting FSH levels to be high as usual; giving up hope)
  2. Get a job
  3. Possibly see Revenge of the Sith again (that'll be my reward if I get a job)
  4. Continue work on WordPress changeover

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