Sunday, August 28, 2005


what used to be our apartment

So, our apartment burned down last night.

We were awakened at about 2 am by some sort of loud noise. I actually don't remember what it sounded like. All I remember is thinking that one of the air conditioners down below our office window might have blown up (they had been making a lot of racket lately). "What the fuck?" I said (sorry, Mom), running out of the bedroom and into the living room.

Only to see a wall of flame coming through the patio door.

"Shit." (Sorry again, Mom.)

I didn't even stop to think about how the flames were coming through when there was supposed to be a door there. That simply didn't occur to me. I went back into the bedroom and got my glasses and rings and put them on, then came back out, then said, "We need to get our phones," and ran back into the bedroom and got it. I thought briefly that I should go into the office and get my purse and camera...but I figured that someone would put out the fire soon, and I shouldn't endanger my life by going past the fire in the living room, even though it hadn't yet started burning anything inside (that I could tell).

So I went outside and started down the stairs.

Sean was doing something during all this time, I don't know. He came outside with me, and he was the one who thought to pull the fire alarm. But when I started down the stairs I realized he wasn't coming. He was doing something at the apartment, going back in. I didn't see that he had a fire extinguisher. All I could think was that he was trying to save something from the apartment. By this time smoke was billowing out the front door into the breezeway.

"Get out of there!" I yelled at him, repeatedly. It really didn't take long for him to give up on putting out the fire and join me below. A fire truck had already arrived.

We stood and waited while the firemen took their sweet time getting a hose upstairs. Then they paused to bang on the door of the apartment below ours. As if ours wasn't on fucking fire. As if there wasn't time to save our stuff.

At some point we walked around the building to see what it looked like from the back, and then we could tell that the fire had started in the apartment below ours and traveled upward via the patios. We still don't know what exactly started the fire.

The fire didn't seem to be abating at all. There was a fire truck back on that street too, but it wasn't doing anything. "They're incompetent!" I cried. "Put the fucking fire out!"

We stood and watched the fire infiltrate the office, and then the bedroom. We watched our ceiling burn away. We watched the second floor patio collapse and spread the fire onto the first floor.

At some point the truck on the street just beyond us finally started spraying a huge jet of water onto the roof, and the fire was reduced to thick grey smoke within minutes (seconds?). We had already called our parents, and now we walked around the apartments the long way to get to the front entrance where Sean's parents had arrived to pick us up.

All we had were our phones and our night clothes: underwear, T-shirt, and shorts for both of us. We had no shoes. We had no keys. We had no wallets or money or credit cards or drivers licenses. We walked barefoot to Cheryl and Reid's truck and got in and they took us to a gas station to get a drink and then back to their house. We showered and changed into borrowed clothes and sat awake for a long time.

Our apartment, and everything in it, is gone.

We have no home.

We have no possessions.

We don't even have chargers for our phones, and as I discovered today, they don't make accessories for our outdated phones anymore. We'll have to buy new ones.

We'll have to buy new everything.

We didn't have renters insurance.

Yes. Yes, we are stupid. Thank you for pointing that out. I promise you, though, we already know.

My camera, my constant companion and translator of my memories, is gone. (I took today's shots with Brooke's camera.) My computer, with all my saved chat logs from the last ten or so years, all my writing, all my photography, all my archives--and yes, all my anime, is gone. My souvenirs from Japan--my beautiful hand-made pottery tea set, my wallscroll with calligraphy done by my host sister Yoko, my other dishes, my journal that I hadn't gotten around to typing up and blogging--are gone. All my photographs that weren't digital, that were instead shoved into the compartment on one of the end tables in the living room, are gone. All my books--hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of books--are gone. Our DVDs are gone.

Everything is gone.

detail of what used to be our office and patio

I'm posting this from Brooke's computer. Sean's parents don't even have a computer, not to mention the Internet, so I may be scarce for awhile. Sean and I are both all right, though, and we'll be in touch.

We are being taken care of. Our families and friends are already pitching in to help us replace our clothes and get new keys for our cars. We're going to be all right.

I'm still in shock/denial. I've only cried once--only let myself cry once. I haven't been alone enough to cry.

I lost so much. But I didn't lose Sean. Last night, all I could do was cling to him.


Anonymous said...

I'm so, so sorry. I just can't seem to find the words to say how sorry I feel. *big, big hug* It's a very trying time for you, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and Sean. I'm so very glad the two of you are fine. If there's anything that I can do, please let me know, ne? *hugs again*


Anonymous said...

We're thinking of you guys. This shit just isn't supposed to happen. We're so glad that you're okay. Let me know if there's anything we can do.

Anonymous said...

That's... I'm at a loss for words. I'm glad the two of you are all right. If there's anything I can do, I will.


Anonymous said...


Mari and I are here for you guys if you need us.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to put into words how I feel about this. Thank God both of you are alright. Things can be replaced in time, but people cannot. I know we haven't spoke in a long time, but if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sean H.

Unknown said...

Heather, I literally have tears in my eyes right now. I am so so so very sorry that this happened - what a nightmare, to put it mildly.

I know I am far away and we are "only" Internet friends, but if I can do ANYTHING for either of you, you only have to ask.

Hugs and kisses and prayers and the best thoughts ever are being sent from NY to you and Sean.

Anonymous said...

Can you still receive mail at the apartment complex? We want to send something to help out. Normally I wouldn't advise posting your address, but these are extraordinary circumstances, and others may want to help as well.

We'll keep you in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Heather, Sean, I'm here, too; you need a ride, need a meal, need an ear, WHATEVER, I'm here for you guys..

Anonymous said...

You may still be able to collect for damages, if the fire was caused, or even partially caused, by another party's negligence.

If you'd had renter's insurance, your insurance company would have paid you out for your claim and then possibly filed a subrogation claim to collect from the actual tort feasor. Since you do not have insurance, your best bet is to seek damages from the tort feasor directly (should there be one), although you will not collect money very quickly, and you will probably need an attorney to assist you. Since the fire did not originate from your apartment, there is a likelihood that the fire was the direct cause of someone else's negligence, and therefore you would be entitled to collect damages from the tort feasor's insurance company.

Once you have the official report from the fire department, you should consider speaking with an experienced litigation attorney who is willing to give you a free consultation and can assist you with filing any claims you may have.

Good luck and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hey sugar,

I just got the news. I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you and your husband are okay.

If you need anything, please let me know. You still have my email and my AIM.

I'm so glad you're okay.


Anonymous said...

Man this is just awfull :/ At least I'm glad you guys are at least alive, but I have no word how it wuld feel to lose everything you own.

I wish you my best luck, sadly thats all I can do from here.

/A friend of Seon (MugiMugi)

Anonymous said...

I'll join in with Daniel and say that I am just thankful you're both alive.

If there's anything I can do, let me know.

- Paul

Anonymous said...

Sean and Heather... Will just gave me the terrible news about what happened last night. I know words won't mean much, but I'm sorry something like this happened to two of the people who least deserved it. If you need help, money, someone to talk to, some good sushi or anything else you know how to get in touch.

Unknown said...

hey girl...i am so sorry to hear about this loss...and i am so happy that you and your man are doing well....japan will always be you have to go back to get more souveneirs....joanne

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. What a great loss.

Anonymous said...

If anyone knows how to contact Heather and Sean, would you please email me at

Anonymous said...

OMG If there is anything I can help with, PLEASE let me know. I'm so glad you both are (physically) ok. You are all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I just heard about this. Oh my God. I'm just glad you two weren't hurt. I am so so very sorry that all you had got destroyed. You have my sympathies. I hope you guys can get back on your feet soon. Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm with Dawn, you'll both be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how hard this must be, I'm truly sorry. I'm glad to hear you're alright, though. *hug* I just heard about this today. I hope you and Sean are doing alright, and if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. Sorry again for your loss.

-Chris, aka Hyper

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how hard this must be, I'm truly sorry. I'm glad to hear you're alright, though. *hug* I just heard about this today. I hope you and Sean are doing alright, and if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask. Sorry again for your loss.

-Chris, aka Hyper

Unknown said...

I agree with the anonymous lawyer - you do have recourse if the fire was someone else's fault. Please email/post soon so we all know how you and Sean are doing.

B Goei said...

oh my god, it baffles me as to why this would happen to you of all people. i hope you and sean are ok, and if you need anything at all, ask me.

Heather Meadows said...

Someone said that God must have something really important planned for me, since he keeps throwing obstacles in my path. Cancer, infertility, losing all my possessions...not sure what it could all be leading to, myself. Early death?

Thanks for all your comments. I will respond personally to everyone as soon as I can.

Roderick said...

Hi Heather, sorry it took me this long to show up here. But I'm glad that both you and Sean are alright. If I can help in any way, let me know.

Anonymous said...

Late as usual, I'm so glad you two survived without injury. I know it's probably little comfort, but, even your photos and souveniers were just 'things', nice things that provided alot of comfort and recollection of fond memories, but, the memories are still there, and you both have plenty of time to rebuild your collection of things you can't part with. My best wishes are with you both, and I hope you two have a speedy return to some kind of normal state!


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather,
I had a friend post your name and situation on our church website. He attached your comments and views of what happened.
I read all your friends comments and then saw the one about God.
I don't think God "threw this obstacle" in your path. I actually don't think He threw any of these in your path. I am so sad about all that you and your precious husband lost. I am glad you didn't lose one another.
I do think there is a plan for you and your husband and I know there is an enemy that obviously hates that plan. which I believe he has tried to hinder.
I know a MIGHTY loving God who continues to bring you through.
He really does love you!
I pray that you could see His hand getting you both through this. He woke you up and got you out. I am amazed. That is awesome!
I want to offer you any thing I can. I will contact the person who put your name on the web.
I love you both and don't even know you but want you to know you are so loved! I can see it by all those around you and all these responses! You have so much support and so much of what really matters!
I have left all I owned at one time just to get it out of my life because it had a place where it is, in the past.
Maybe this is a new chapter in life.
Start a new story.
God peace with you!