Saturday, December 31, 2005


I've kept myself pretty busy today. I got up at around 11 and immediately took my shower and performed my chore of cleaning the bathroom, exactly the way Cheryl does it. Hopefully I did it right ;P

After that I went to the Canal for some biking. There are pictures, but Sean's on a raid so I'll have to upload them later. There's also a really interesting story, but I don't feel like writing it right now :P

Suffice it to say that I rode all the way to Sibley Mill, cutting across the bridge at the green shed to stay on the Canal Trail and then going over the bridge at the Mill and heading back along Bartram Trail/the trail alongside the train tracks. In all, I rode 11.4 miles, and my odometer says it took me an hour and six minutes. It was actually longer than that, because I stopped many times for pictures and to relax. I'll get into details when I have the pictures uploaded.

My car decided to stall and then not start again in the parking lot, and not in a very convenient spot--I was at the bottom of the lot, turning to head up a lane, and I was going uphill. Cars had to maneuver a little to get around me, and I couldn't see a good place to roll the car to if it came to that. Fortunately, after I let the car sit for a few minutes it started again, and I was able to come home.

Gary was at the house when I arrived, and Steve was also over visiting. I asked Steve if I could put all the boxes we brought back from Kentucky in his spare room, and he said sure, so I set about doing that, starting with the stuff that was still in my car from my previous trip to Kentucky. While I worked, Cheryl, Reid, and Gary headed out, apparently to play pool. (They're still gone.)

It seemed like forever before I was finished with the majority of the boxes, and I was very tired. I'd lifted the box of dishes out of the SUV and put it in the garage before, but today I couldn't even get it off the ground. I guess all the biking wore me out. I asked Steve to help me...and he put the box on Reid's hand truck. (Duh!)

After that I took another shower, because I was really sweaty. Then I made "lunch", which at 5 pm was really more like dinner.

I have a few more things to do today. First I need to go to Wal-Mart and get supplies: TP, soap, bread, milk, etc. Then I need to do my second chore, which is dusting the guest bedroom (the room we currently live in). After that I should be good to go for Chris' party, which starts at 10. I'm planning to not dress like a hobo for the event. We'll see how successful I am.

In any case, I hope I can stay awake for everything!

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