Friday, December 2, 2005

Venusian shadows

Sounds like a bad science fiction novel, doesn't it? :D

Mom just linked me to an article from NASA about photographing shadows cast by Venus. Pretty wild!


Anonymous said...

Very cool Heather. WP

Heather Meadows said...

Well hey there WP! Give me a call sometime, will you? I was just thinking about you today as I was driving home from the doctor's. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas together (listening to Kenny G and such), and now it's another Christmas season!

Anonymous said...

Will do! I also remember how you cheered me up last year remember decorating the office so you better cheer up and yes we will do something and soon. Sounds like you need to be with crazy ole me--lunch or such ??? I will call right now Dave is on the dreaded nights so you know how that is.
I also want you to know I haven't accomplished anything either. I still have not passed tha STATE EXAM. Just can not seem to get it, its "H A R D". I am still doing nothing much just studying. But don't be so down I worry about you.

Love ya, WP

Anonymous said...

So cheer up.........WP

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks :) I'll try to cheer up!

Let's definitely do lunch. Sometime next week maybe?

I left my phone in the other room so if you called I missed it, but please do call again :) I've got my phone ready now!