Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Have I mentioned that I really want to live in Japan?

Because, you know, I do.


Anonymous said...

He-chan, you know I want to do the same. So yeah, if you figure out a way, let me know so I can do the same. If I figure it out, I'll drop you a line so you can do the same. fair is fair ^_^


Heather Meadows said...

It's a deal!

Although you have it easier than me; all you have to do is get a bachelor's degree (any bachelor's degree) and become an English teacher.

I would do that too if an English teaching position would support our lifestyle, but it wouldn't. And Sean won't move if he can't live comfortably :>

Anonymous said...

Easier? Nah, it just depends on how you want to live and how you go about doing it. You can always change what's comfortable to you. I mean, I live in a modest studio/garage (I still live at home, but pay rent that's eqivalent to a studio here in Tucson) and that's more than comfortable now. I could live in nothing more than a small hut outside of Tahiti and call that comfortable. As long as the essentials are covered, comfortable is realative for me.

If you REALLY want to go, you'll find a way, ne? But that's speaking for me, as one person. So because you're married, it would be a lot harder to move since you have to consider another's needs as well as your own, right? So in that way, it'd be easier for a single guy like me. I'll see what I can find out and I'll let you know okay?


Heather Meadows said...

You got it!

For myself, I'd be happy with just one room with a kitchenette and a bathroom. But you know, we have to be able to pay for Internet access, Web hosting and MMO subscriptions.

Anonymous said...

I see....

btw, what MMOs do you play?


Heather Meadows said...

I don't play any, but Sean currently plays Lineage II.