Monday, February 20, 2006

They're crazy, I tell ya

I would hope they've told everyone by now, but if not the following announcement may come as a shock:

the elusive 'picture of Brooke without her tongue sticking out'

Okay, now you're up to speed.

I mention this only because of an article I came across today:

Nearly half of [British] motorists regularly talk to their cars, giving words of encouragement ahead of a long trip and lavishing praise for a job well done at journey's end, according to research on Monday.

A survey of 2,000 owners also found 40 percent thought their car had a personality and was capable of being upset whilst 19 percent worried about how their car was feeling.
What has Brooke gotten herself into?!



David said...

I have never given a car I owned a name. However, my mother referred to my blue Ford Ka as Noddy, because the children's character drove a little blue car.

And yes, I'm delighted that Brooke has agreed to marry me.

Heather Meadows said...

Congratulations :D

Anonymous said...

My car has a name, it's Betty --or Easter Egg, depending on if I have the pink PowerPuff Girls car seat covers in. ;)

However, my car doesn't show emotion, rather, I get pretty emotional due to the #$*^$&(!! car.

Heather Meadows said...

My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R...

Sorry, that was the first thing I thought of ;>

My car has a name, too, but I can't remember what it is.