Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Adding exercise to my normal routine

I went for a 30-or-so minute walk during lunch today. Leaving the station, I first headed further east into the lovely little garden-filled neighborhood, then cut off to the right to hit Knox Avenue and finally head towards the river. At Martintown Road I turned right and headed up the big hill, and then I headed up the big hill on Georgia Avenue. By that time I was pooped, so I came back to work.

It was really pretty out. It has rained, and may in fact be raining right now, but I didn't get rained on during my walk. There were all sorts of flowers blooming and bright green leaves poking out of the trees. With the rain, the tree trunks were dark, providing a nice stark background. The sky was overcast, meaning it would have been perfect for pictures, but since I was out for exercise, I hadn't brought anything but my keys and phone.

There were two places in particular that I would have liked to have taken pictures. The first was on the road I took to get to Knox Avenue. On the left, there was a house with a No Trespassing sign--but I almost missed the sign because of the beautiful gardens practially pouring over the old brick walls and regular chain-link fence. There was a lot of wisteria, plus pink, red, and white flowers. Absolutely beautiful. The second spot was along Knox Avenue near a bank, where a stand of thick, dark-trunked trees was peppered with little bursts of bright green leaves. I saw the perfect angle for that shot, too...

But I'm glad I didn't loiter around. The exercise was great. It was about 55 degrees out, and unthinkingly I'd worn a coat. I finally ended up carrying it back up Georgia Avenue. The coat and the exertion of walking uphill had me working up a sweat :>

Tonight after work I'm hoping to get over to the Family Y, where I have a free membership from work (!!!!), and do some swimming. I don't think I will ask myself to do anything more advanced than that at this point. Besides, I need to get home in time to cook dinner.

I have been looking forward to swimming for a long, long time. I can't wait!


Magazine Man said...

This is totally apropos of nothing in the above post, but I had to write and express an overdue thanks for your support and good wishes. The poem brought tears to my eyes--the good kind, the cathartic kind. Meant a lot.

Things are slowly returning to normal, and as you know I've returned to the blogosphere. I just can't be out of the company of my friends for any lengths of time, and that obviously includes you. Thanks again!

Heather Meadows said...

Anytime, MM :)

I'm glad the poem did for you what it did for me. I don't like poetry, in general, and I don't pretend to be able to write it, but that one just kind of flowed.