Monday, March 27, 2006


Who is this?


Gunner may have competition for "Hottest Guy in Zap!"...

He kind of looks like Sasuke, except that he's actually hot.

Did I mention he's hot yet?


Anonymous said...

He kind of looks like Ben. The expression or something. Not to ruin it for you, him being your brother and all...

Heather Meadows said...

...yeah, thanks.


I think I can see what you're saying, although my mental image of Ben doesn't include a frown/scowl.

I actually had a dream about Ben last night, for whatever reason. Actually, I know why: it's because I promised to give Manda the Subaru when I got a new car, only now I'm wondering if he would even want it, because it stalls all the time and sometimes doesn't start and the brakes are going out. Plus it would be a hassle to drive it to Kentucky to give it to him. So I've been thinking about asking him if he would mind if I just used it as a trade-in, but I'm afraid to actually ask him because I feel like an Indian giver.

So of course he'd show up in a dream!

Although I don't think the dream actually involved the car at all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, dreams can be...haunting.... That chilling way they force you to think about your insecurities, fears, realities you would rather bury, and all the guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt....

Anyway, I guess maybe I must have recently seen him with that puzzled expression when I was brousing some of your pics. But don't bother trying to look for it, I could be wrong.

Have you ever tried to trade in a car, though? We have tried to trade in a newer car than the Sube, and gotten laughed out of the place practically. Maybe the guy was just a jerk though. I'd try trading it in, and if that doesn't work out, tell Ben to come for a visit and drive it back...if he's brave enough, considering all the problems you mentioned. Then if they only offered say, $500 and Ben said no, that would be at least a guilt free $500. The trade in value might even make him think twice.

We're thinking of trading in our SUV due to the gas guzzling. Unfortunately, we have stalled because they're only willing to give us a quarter of what we bought it for. Aargh. Car salesmen. Depreciation.

Glad to know you're getting a new car. You've had that one a long time, and it was old to begin with. I've been silently freaking out every time you mention it acting up and wondering when that whole saga would end. I hate unreliable cars.

Heather Meadows said...

I traded in my Taurus when I bought my Escort, but I still owed on it, so I'm not sure how that worked out :>

As for what I might get for the Subaru (whose name I still can't remember), I have heard radio commercials in the past where they claim if you can drag it to the lot, they'll give you $2000 in trade-in value. Of course, that might be price-padding...:P

Today I replaced a lot of fuses, and miraculously things work now! (Like the horn and the clock, which have been out for awhile, and the tail lights and turn signals, which both died today.) It still stalls like crazy though.

WestsideKef said...

anyway, I think that is William.
GEF, works at their academy...

Sorry, I'm a nerd

Heather Meadows said...

I tend to not have a very long memory when it comes to webcomic storylines, I guess because they take so long to come out? Regardless, it occurred to me that the character had probably already been introduced and I just didn't remember, but I wanted to make the post anyway ;>

Thanks for the information! I'll reread it all someday...

Heather Meadows said...

...okay fine, he's on the Cast Page.

But he doesn't look nearly as hot there.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you replaced the fuses all by yourself?

Heather Meadows said...

Yeah, my fuse box is pretty easy to navigate. Very nicely labeled!

Anonymous said...

Escort?? Didn't you have a Mustang?

Heather Meadows said...

Nooooo, never had a Mustang. I've never been in the position to afford one :) Plus, the Mustangs of that time period were pretty ugly...though today's Mustangs are nice.

I really like the Thunderbirds that came out recently, but I heard they discontinued the line!