Saturday, March 18, 2006

A pale shadow of what once was

Yeah, so here's a horrible recreation of what I audioblogged during my lunch today. It seems I'm okay at extemporizing and horrible at recitation. Maybe I should have used notes.

Oh well. I'll have to try for a good, fluid, off-the-cuff audioblog some other time.

this is an audio post - click to play

I was hoping to enjoy this experience, and I had some thoughts all ready to post, like how when I'm explaining things I think I sound like my Aunt Carol, and how it's hard when I'm thinking of things to say and wishing I could magically hyperlink them to something to just keep talking. I even took some pictures to go along with the story.

But losing the post made me lose the thrill, so there you have it.

I'll put the pictures up later.


Anonymous said...

Why audioblog? Instead of being able to read at our own pace, we have to wait for you to say it for us. It isn't interesting, no offense - maybe it would be if you were famous and dead and someone wanted to see what you thought at some point, but wanting to be famous and just being natural are different. Way I look at it, a lyric doesn't need a melody unless the melody makes it better. The melody doesn't need backing chords unless it makes it better. And backing chords don't need an ensemble unless it makes it better. So no offense to your first audio posting - but... in the future... ask yourself, what better are we getting from your audioblog than we are from your regular? It doesn't flow as fast as it does for me when I read it. What else you got?

Heather Meadows said...

Yeah, it sucks, don't it?

I think the original post would have been interesting, because it was extemporaneous, I was actually there when I recorded it, and I was going to supplement it with links and pictures. Really I just put that one up because I personally want to remember the original.

Originally I thought that the only person who would get anything out of the audioblog would be Mom, because she likes hearing my voice. Maybe that's true!

Heather Meadows said...

Oh, and as an aside: I actually feel the way you feel about most audioblogs/podcasts. They're slower than reading, they're usually boring, and they're inconvenient. I think the main reason people have them is to appeal to the "I'm so busy I can only read your posts in my car!" crowd.

I only did it because I wanted to see what it was like.

This morning I was thinking about doing some singing podcasts (you sure as hell can't do that in text), but I don't know if I want to shatter my readers' ears.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually thinking of doing that to post the rest of the Japan trip. Because I've realized the story loses a lot in text, mainly because of the way I tell it and the stresses I put in the words and such. At least, people tell me that's why. That, and I don't feel like writing a wall of text really. Sounds like a good idea, so I'll try it out on my LJ and see if that works. IF it works on LJ of course.

Anonymous said...

I just realized it double posted me, and without my name on the first one. Meh, sorry for the now triple post.


Heather Meadows said...

Oops, I deleted the wrong one!

In any case, yeah, some people have an easier time talking than writing. (I'm the opposite.) But audioblogging/podcasting is convenient when you don't have a computer handy. That was why I thought of doing it in the first place.

Unfortunately, the audioblogger service is a free add-on to Blogger. I don't know if LiveJournal has something like that.

Anonymous said...

You were right. I saved it on my desktop to play over and over
M :)

Heather Meadows said...

Note to Self: No profanity in the audioblogs.


I wish you could have heard the other one, Mom. When I listened to it myself (before losing it entirely), I really thought that my descriptive style was like Aunt Carol's. Just something in the speech patterns. It was cute.

Anonymous said...

Then I'll just have to get a blogger account then ^.^ My LJ has almost outlived its usefulness, and I'm kinda tired of sending these messages Anonymously with my name attached to the the bottom of my comment. I might turn the LJ into a Japanese only postings, and blogger for day to day use. Who knows, I'll see where life takes me on this one.

In any rate, I'll be checking out what Blogger offers after I clean my room, which its currently 10:31pm here in Arizona, so rearranging, dusting, and vaccuming your room is frowned upon by those also living in your household. Luckily my room was a garage prior to being my room, and thus has the sound proofness built in! Neato! ^_^


Heather Meadows said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, I didn't finish reorganizing last night, found out my FAFSA and apps for UofA need to be done like, TODAY. So I'm running a bit behind on that...will get to blogger after this mess later today, kay?
