Sunday, February 4, 2007

My Super Bowl XLI joke

Grossman! Fries!


Charles said...

Y'know, I bet that would be hilarious, if I'd actually watched the Super Bowl. =D Were the commercials good?

On an unrelated topic, does the email function on the side work? Because I've sent a couple of emails, to no reply.

Heather Meadows said...

No, they sucked. A bunch of them were recycled from last year. The Bud commercials were stupid. The Chevy commercials were stupid. There was one commercial where some animals in a terrarium were trying to get online by smacking an actual mouse--that was probably the most amusing. But it wasn't really all that. There was another one where a car assembly robot dreamed it got fired and, in despair, hurled itself off a bridge, but that was just depressing.

The game was interesting, but ultimately a letdown since we were all rooting for the Bears. Grossman is the Bears' quarterback, and none of his plays for the second half of the game seemed to work. Also, his passes kept getting intercepted.

So I just kind of combined this fact with the Kevin Federline commercial that ran during the Super Bowl (but apparently wasn't a new commercial), in which he's working fast food and his manager yells, "Federline! Fries!"

Nobody has gotten this joke without me explaining it so far, so I guess it sucks ;P

To be fair to Grossman and the guys who were supposed to be catching his passes, it rained for the entire Super Bowl.

In answer to your unrelated topic: I received one email from my email form and one email to my account. I have something on my mind right now and haven't really been good about keeping up with stuff in my personal life. Apologies for the nonresponsiveness.