Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What is UP?!

Thought I'd drop a quick line and tell you what's going on with me.

1) Brooke's wedding was beautiful, and this past weekend I saw her off at the airport. She's coming back next month though, so it's kind of like she's just on vacation...especially since her apartment still looks like she lives there ;)

2) Sean got a new job. He started yesterday. So far it looks pretty good. He works my same hours, 10 to 7. This morning I got up and made us both a lunch :) Assuming things work out, we will be buying my new Yaris around the middle of March.

3) My mom's older sister is going through a difficult time with some medical issues, so my mom is flying driving up there to take care of things. I'm just hoping everything will work out. I wish my aunt would move to Kentucky and live near my mom.

4) Water is dripping from the apartment above directly into Sean's shower. I guess it's good that it's not seeping into our floor! The maintenance guy showed up this morning at 8 o'clock. I was still in bed.

5) I have a BIG DECISION that I have been weighing for weeks now. I think I've almost made it, but I'm still waiting on some information before I commit. Certain things that are happening in the meantime are making the new venture more and more appealing...

6) I love art blogs. One relatively minor goal in my life is to make enough money so that I can buy a few pieces from my favorite art bloggers.

7) Lately I have really been wanting to buy a Japanese-style hot water heater, some green tea (the actual tea, not a tea bag), and a teapot. The water heater would be the most expensive, but I've wanted to have one ever since I first went to Japan. It's just that in the past few weeks, I've really wanted to have the option to brew a pot of green tea at work without having to microwave the water.

8) I'm getting over my cold.


Unknown said...

Sean has his own shower?

Heather Meadows said...

Yes. For as long as we've been married, we have always had two bathrooms*, and he uses one and I use the other.

I know, we're strange. But his parents are the same way...

* (For 6 months or so after the fire we lived with his parents, and during that time Sean and I shared a bathroom with Sean's dad. That was fun...)

Heather said...

That is a GREAT idea. One day we'll have to havea place with 2 bathrooms.

Heather Meadows said...

Sam should know how nice the two bathrooms are. When he was here visiting and we all went swimming, Dawn took a shower in my bathroom and Sam took one in Sean's. Convenient!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet wedding comments; STILL waiting on the photographer to put the pics online...

I've sort of claimed the half bathroom downstairs as my own little domain, but I think that's because there's more room to spread out my make up and meds and stuff, than there is upstairs.

Also, I think I might still be a little bit reluctant to run up and down the stairs all the time just yet, since my broken toe experience in November..damned psyche!! I guess that's because I know that logically, David's just NOT going to be able to take me to McDonald's after the emergency room each time I break a tootsie..

Heather Meadows said...

Can't wait to see the pics :)

Anonymous said...

Hi honey = I drove up
No deer thank goodness

What big decision
I love you