Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kyou Kara Maou R 1

What does the R mean? No idea. But I watched the first episode today anyway.

Good stuff so far. Conrad and Josak being badass, Yuuri being Yuuri, and some crazy twists thrown in to mess with my mind. Maybe if I could read the light novels--which I do own; they're sitting in a sad pile due to my lack of kanji skills--I would have known what was going to happen at the end of the episode, but I certainly did not. Or maybe this OVA is completely original. In any case: Fascinating! Corporeal? Guess we'll find out!

I love the opening animation, too, especially where Yuuri goes from Maou-mode back into bashfully smiling Yuuri-mode. In fact, I loved that part so much I made this herky-jerky animated gif. (It's a couple hundred K so I figured I'd link to it instead of forcing you all to download it.)

The ED, with trademark chibified cast members, was also quite nice.

There are a couple of new characters, including the main antagonist and his retainer, and apparently a new girl at the castle who wasn't in this episode but is in the OP animation. I'm really intrigued by the antagonist, who seems to have certain abilities--which Yuuri is either immune to after a point or which someone stopped in time. His retainer is your standard badass swordsman there to give Conrad something to do, but hopefully he'll turn into an interesting character like Raven did.

Since this is all Shou Shimaron related, I wonder if we'll be seeing 刈ポニー?

Final thought: Brooke, there's some Josak fanservice for you in this episode!


Brooke said...

Mmmm, Yozak!! Or Josak, whatever, I KNOW which one he is... ;)

So hurry up and bring your anime across the pond; since we didn't get to have sleep-over extravaganza with lime sherbet and curry, we'll do it here, only we'll have kebabs and sticky toffee pudding --WITH custard. ;)

And yes, these aren't the most healthy of things to eat, but it's not like we'd eat them all the time, and we CAN make a few modifications, too. :)

Oh, and blogger still isn't up to snuff, yet; I've made a few comments lately, and unless they've JUST changed, the comment counter thingie at the end of each post isn't counting it.

Heather Meadows said...

Can you list where you've posted and it's not showing up, so I can at least see what you said in the back end? :D

A nurse from England that I saw at the ENT's office yesterday suggested that we visit England in July. I should be over this heart failure thing by then, so it would be perfect! ;> Just need to get those pesky passports.

Brooke said...

July IS nice, here. :)

Hey, maybe you can be here while my parents are, they wanted to come when it got too hot to handle being over there; that'd be WAY cool. :)

I'll look back and see where those comments are, when I'm more awake. These 5:30am kitten feedings are proving just how old I am, now.

Brooke said...

I think they're all showing, now. :)

Brooke said...

That was fun, watching that episode "with you" last night!! :)

We'll have to do that again next month when the next one comes out. Until then, where could I, ahh, "pick up" some of the others? Is there anywhere?

I have itchy kitteh scratches on my ankles.. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

The original series is licensed in the US, so it's available on DVD :) They are almost to the end.