Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lost in Augusta

I had pulled up to the light at the Wheeler Road exit from I-20 westbound and was enjoying the high 60s temperature and the breeze through my rolled-down window when the ladies in the SUV next to me called, "Ma'am?"

"Yeah?" I asked, turning down the volume on the Mega Man OC Remix I was listening to.

"Is Bobby Jones B up that way?" they said, pointing ahead.

"No, it was back there," I replied, cocking a thumb behind me.

"Thought so," one of them said ruefully. The light had changed by this time so we both started to pull forward.

"Oh," I yelled belatedly, "you can get to Bobby Jones by going straight this way." And I gestured down Wheeler Road, the way we were going.

We both made an effort to drive alongside each other as they yelled back, "This way?"

"Yeah, just keep going straight and you'll come to it."

Not long after that we got stopped at a light. "Is this taking us out of town?" one of them asked me.

"Well, no, it's sort of going back into town."

"We need to get out of town; we're headed back to Jesup, Georgia," one of the women said.

"Well, if you need Bobby Jones, it's right up there," I said, pointing again.

The light changed and we moved forward once again. I pulled away from them and was shortly making the turn towards my apartments.

"Good luck, ladies," I said as their SUV disappeared from view.


Anonymous said...


Brooke said...

Awwww, I hope they got home safely and without further mix up!

Brooke said...

And you know, I can certainly sympathize with people driving in unfamiliar surroundings. So I'M all for hoping they got back alright.

Heather Meadows said...

Yeah, I wish I had thought more quickly on my feet...but I checked Google Maps and it appears I did not steer them wrong. If they got on 520 east they should have been okay.

I guess they hadn't looked at a map though, because that question about whether they were going back into town or not is kind of silly considering I-20 is north of most of Augusta. So they would technically have to go back through Augusta to get south to Jesup. Someone must have just given them directions, and they got confused with all the stupid I-20 construction.