Monday, February 11, 2008

Weird observation

I can't remember ever hearing a news story about a plain-looking, regular student killed in a wreck. They're always beautiful and sociable and everyone in the school knew them. Do news outlets just not bother with the unpopular kids, or are popular kids more likely to get in wrecks?


Charles said...

They don't bother. It's just like how a beautiful blond white girl gets kidnapped or goes missing, the updates remain front page news for year, but Cthulhu help you if you're black, or hispanic, or just not pretty. You're lucky to get page 4 in the metro section of the paper, if not just milk cartons.

Heather Meadows said...

Hmm...yeah, now that I think about it, that was a dumb question :P

Jered said...

I think that's being a bit over cynical! Being killed at a young age automatically makes you popular, is all. Of course everybody knows the fifteen year old who got run over by a drunk last weekend. And who wants to be quoted by the local, or worse the national media saying they didn't much care for the poor innocent youth who's life was so tragically ended?

Heather Meadows said...

Well, I didn't really notice it back when I never watched the news, but now that I see it every day it really does seem like all the crash victims are beautiful blondes.

There are stories about wrecks where people die that do not go into extreme detail about the people who died. But I don't know if that's because they aren't from the area, or if it's because the people who knew the person who died don't want to talk about it, or if the people who died were...ugly.