Sunday, August 15, 2004

Emotion, writing, and posting public blogs

I am very, very angry with someone right now. "Furious" is too weak a word. I feel betrayed, I feel condescended to, I feel underestimated. I expected better of this person and now I don't even know if I want to remain friends.

The problem is that this person reads this blog, so I can't write about it here.

I've written about people who read this blog before. Once, I did so with what could have been devastating results. Fortunately, the person in question cared more about keeping my friendship than the betrayal of having our disagreement aired publicly.

I want to be the bigger person in this instance. I'm the one who's mad and frustrated and betrayed. I don't know if I want to stay friends with the person who hurt me, but I might want to later. I don't want to destroy any possibility by ranting about it in a place that person reads.

I don't know if I can express how I feel directly to the one who made me feel this way, though. Right now I feel as though my words would fall on deaf, callous ears. And so I'm hovering in a limbo, wondering if I'll ever see closure...

And I'm still pissed off as all hell.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so like -

I know that this is late and such, but I'm the king. Queen? Kueeng! of belation. Three things:

1) I hear that sometimes being the 'bigger person' means having the courage to tell somebody exactly how you're feeling. Not in an antagonistic sense, even if it's pretty tempting (and it is, when someone's been an ass). Not saying anything, though, doesn't help the friendship either - because you still feel all this stuff, and without disclosure (at the very least) it'll become omnipresent in your dealings with this person from now on.

2) If talking to them honestly (as is the supreme duty of a friend) doesn't work, beat them with those lemons nobody wants.

3) If this is about me, I lied. The best thing you can do is to tell me I'm great and then ride a bike like a mutant shark so that I won't get left behind when I eventually get up the courage to join your group of bizarrely active companions.


ps I know it isn't about me. DAMN! =pps I'll get you some fun little links about smarty Englischers in short order. I swear!

Heather Meadows said...

You're right, of course; I'm just being a 'fraidy-cat.

Looking forward to biking :) As soon as I get my bike, at the end of the month, we (the collective) will have a spare bike that you can borrow :)

Heather Meadows said...

Oh--and pelting the person with Kazuya's unwanted lemons is a fantastic idea!