Tuesday, August 17, 2004

New (to me) blogs

I've added two new blogs to my blogroll. The first is that of my new friend who recently posted comments to this site. She is very cool, into the philosophy of language and feminist just enough for my liking. I've been speaking with her off and on for the past few days, and I've really enjoyed our conversations. I'm looking forward to seeing her write more in her blog.

The second is that of Jennifer Garrett, a writer and editor living in Boston(!). She also seems very cool, based on an article she recently wrote for Blogger and on the posts currently up on her page, but as I don't know her personally I can't say for certain yet. We'll see what I think as I read her further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yays! I am cool! But I'm a terribly sporadic writer, particularly during school semesters; I just get so bogged down with "stuff". I'll try to make time, though. Come read some Heidegger with me.

Everyone likes a big fat nazi clown!