Monday, May 16, 2005

So, I'm an old married woman

I just bought a magazine subscription from a high school senior so he can hopefully go on a trip to Cancun. I also gave him a brownie, freshly baked.

Now, where's my knitting?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaahah!! Hea Hea, you're so crazy!! Funny, I found MY knitting the other day; this horrid mint green and burgundy HUGE throw I started forever and a day ago. It reminds me of some sort of crazy Andes mint, because the burgundy is almost a chocolate color. Anyway, don't buy magazine subscriptions off of kids wandering around apartment complexes, you silly goosie!! They're just there for the brownies!!

Heather Meadows said...

They really are...he said that he "didn't know why", but that he always ended up eating something at every apartment he visited.

I didn't really mind giving him the brownie, though. I made a ton of them :>