Monday, July 25, 2005

"London Terror"

Look, CNN has a spiffy graphic for their "London Terror" special section.

Is that ridiculous or what?

You know, I am just really not a fan of how sensationalized our news can be.

By the way, the young man who was wrongly killed by British anti-terror police was shot eight times, not five as previously thought. I am just sick at this whole thing. Sick at the bombings, sick at the attempted bombings, sick at the wrongful death...and sick that there have been bombings in Iraq like every day recently, and so many people keep dying. Is this ever going to be resolved?

There is so much hate, and all it seems to be doing is growing...on both sides. Is there anything we can do? How can we keep children from being indoctrinated into hate? How can we save ourselves from being consumed by it?

How can we stop terrorism?


Anonymous said...

The best way is to stop doing it ourselves - both through things like our sanction massacre in Iraq over the last fifteen years, and through support of Israel, Indonesia etc. That's a bit of a dream though, eh!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... The comment above was a bit over blown. The first rule of government is that a government can do no right. Any action is an action that will piss someone off. Example: Western support for Saddam's regime was a lesser of two evils thing against the fundamentalist overthown in Iran. Our only other options were: ignore them (not a real option given the oil thing. Energy makes the West go round), or attack them both (that would have flown with the Micheal Moores of the world).

Any option is a loosing one.

How do you stop terrorism? You kill any and all incentive for it. You create a situation in which peaceful and civilized airing of greviances is more effective than violence. You find the most effective ways of satisfying the need, and some of the wants of the common man. You find a way to make the politicains accountable for their actions. Osama bin Laden is not a terrorist, he's a politician whose political party is populated by terrorists. He's not in it to fight for freedom, but for the political power he hopes to weild after his "victory". Remember, diplomacy is simply international politics. War is diplomacy by other means. Therefore, War is international politics by other means.

Bin Laden is the worst kind of politician. The kind to whom people are pawns to be utterly expended for his own gain. Not just his enemies, but his own people. He is a scion of one of the most powerful families in Saudi Arabia, but he is NOT a member of the House of Saud. He could never RULE at home, so he took his ambitions abroad. Similar can be said of al Zarkawi.

The only way to stop terrorism is to eliminate the causes, or at least make the terror option the least attractive. Free access to education, opportunity and leashing men of power (by somehow making that power the burden it is supposed to be)... these things will stop terrorism.

Let me know when you figure out how to impliment these things, because I'm at a loss. I mean, I have some ideas on how to make it happen in the U.S. without turning the country into a communist/police state (it's not as difficult a problem as one would think). Beyond the U.S. I can only think of one means by which these ideas could implimented world wide. Force. Which really would make us a kind of terrorist state.

Barring force, we really have no option but to support the lesser evils of the world. Had we followed the advice above we wouldn't have solved terrorism. We'd just have different terrorism, probably led by the same Saudi rich-kid cum freedom-fighter cum terrortician. He'd just have differnt rehtoric. Even the most rosy of outlooks would simply have spared us the horror and visited it upon our children.