Friday, July 29, 2005

Water on Mars, and a 10th planet

What a day for space news!

Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

10th Planet Discovered, Bigger than Pluto


Heather Meadows said...

I think doing science in a low-G environment is useful, but I think the shuttle sorely needs to be replaced. I also think that joyrides into the atmosphere should be inexpensive romps offered by private companies!

My mythology is terrible, too, but I'm sure they will continue the theme. Checking out this little cheat sheet, I submit Janus, which supposedly is the "God of good beginnings".

Having planets named for companies who sponsor the space program makes sense financially and it seems like something that could actually happen...but it's just so tacky. :>

Heather Meadows said...

...Janus is a moon of Saturn.


Heather Meadows said...

You know, I don't remember a whole hell of a lot from astronomy class, which kind of sucks. My strongest memories are of building and using the telescopes. The theory kind of went in one ear and out the other. I remember trying to read A Brief History of Time, and my eyes glazing over...:/

I'd like to say that it would be different now, but I honestly can't say that for sure. I took two astronomy classes at UK, and I barely remember anything from them, either. (I do remember watching a video featuring Carl Sagan, because I thought it was hilarious, and because that was where I first learned about Tycho Brahe, the namesake of one of my favorite writers. Oh, and Eric was in one of those classes with me, which was cool.)

Heather Meadows said... need a blog, my friend.

Sorry about that off-handed Eric thing--you wouldn't know him, he was in kung fu with me, and is a couple years older than us. I'm not sure why I stream-of-consciously stuck him in there.

The girl you're thinking of is Shannon Caveman. (She had a dog named Captain, which is a hoot, yes?) I'd thought we were close, but we ended up not writing much/at all after GSP ended, and she didn't come to the reunion either. Jeremy I kept in better contact with, but I haven't heard from him in quite some time now. I don't really remember anyone else, including teachers.

How lovely about your roommate! :>

I liked most of the girls on my floor (was it F3?). My roommate was cool, but we ran with different crowds. Jesse also ran with a different crowd, but we agreed on certain things (like the coolness of The Cranberries), and developed a few good in-jokes, and I saw her on UK campus a few years later, working at my favorite greasy spoon, the Ho.

My telescope is still at my parents' house.

What's ExpressionEngine?

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!! Hi!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo sorry we haven't kept in touch. I've thought about you quite a bit, but I lost your address in a move & have been kicking myself. I didn't go to reunion b/c $$$. :( I have a 5yr old daughter & bought a house 3 yrs ago. I still have my telescope. LOL I need to make a new frame for it. My email is, if you want to get in touch.

Heather Meadows said...

Hi! :D Thanks for commenting on the front page, I never would have seen this otherwise, unfortunately :>

Man, it seems that if I want to reunite with any old friends, all I need to do is post their full name somewhere on my blog.

Ahh, power...