Thursday, February 2, 2006


MSNBC: After years, breakfast secret is revealed

(Is that a hilarious headline or what? Reveal...the breakfast secret!!!)

Blair, an asphalt contractor, said he pulled up in the parking lot at Bunny's in nearby Suffolk one day and was touched by the sight of several cars with POW license plates. Inside, he noticed a group of men at a table and asked the restaurant owner about them.

Told they were Pacific POWs, Blair decided to pick up the check, insisting his identity not be revealed. He continued to pay the tab as the years passed, and as the number of vets dwindled through death and illness from about 20 to just a few.

About a year ago, though, a waitress accidentally let the secret slip, said Donna House, a Navy veteran who began attending the breakfasts after befriending one of the POWs. The group had been trying, unsuccessfully, since then to meet Blair.

Blair said he intends to keep paying for the group's breakfasts.
What a great story :)

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