Thursday, February 2, 2006

A job for Hai

When my friend Hai--writer, martial arts enthusiast, motorcyclist, and all around cool guy--finally decides to ditch the white collar lifestyle, I know just where he can go for work.

Around 40 members of a local karate club have been enlisted to protect around 140 classic cars due to visit an alpine village near Mt. Cook on New Zealand's South Island on Sunday, the New Zealand Press Association reported.

The karate experts will protect the cars from Keas, sharp-beaked native parrots which have been known to damage vehicles in their search for shiny items, NZPA said.
Ninja those birds!


Anonymous said...

Uhmmmm, this is probably going to sound so TOTALLY silly, but, uhh...

...why not just use car covers?

I know, I know, silly me, I obviously just DON'T understand.

Heather Meadows said...

Err...isn't it a car show?

Anonymous said...

Wait, is this like a car show, or something? If so, then I can understand not using car covers...


...Car shows usually attract a fairly decent amount of people, right?! Are these Keas SO FEROCIOUS, that they're STILL going to attack a defenseless classic car for its shinies, in the midst of a crowd of people? What're these birds' wingspans? How big are these things? Were these birds Alfred Hitchcock's inspiration for "The Birds?"

Eek, birds are scary!!

Heather Meadows said...

Ah, if only I had the answers!