Tuesday, December 19, 2006

By the way, I'm on TV now

For like...two seconds. It's a happy holidays promo we did at work, and it's pretty cute :) I'd link to it directly, but 1) it won't be online forever; and 2) I try not to directly link to my workplace, or even mention its name. (Have you noticed?)

There are obviously ways for people to find out where I work; that's not the issue. The issue is, this is the internet, and phrases I type may come up in Google results. While I'm much smarter now than I was a few years ago about what I write here, you never know what will offend or annoy people.

So if you do figure out where to see the promo, don't mention it in the comments, or I will have to delete the reference ;>


Anonymous said...

Heh, you look so happy tossing that wreath around. =)

Heather Meadows said...


It was a cute idea, and I was all for it. I dragged Rex (the promotions guy who put it together) into my office so he could film my part :>

The website is on the monitor behind me, but I don't think you can tell.

Anonymous said...

I found you NEAT! M

Anonymous said...

I found you this morning.. :) TOO cute, Ms. Festive.. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

...my mom pointed out that there's someone in the second video who could be mistaken for me, as she is wearing a Santa hat and glasses. I didn't believe her until I saw it for myself; the actual facial features are unclear.

So just to be clear, I'm in the third video ;>