Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I dream a lot

Last night I dreamed that the station was taken over by my previous employer, the place where I only worked for three weeks. We all had to move into that building, which somehow instead of being in Lincolnton was now right next door to us. It wasn't everybody, but I do remember that Lynnsey had to go, because she started talking about giving up reporting and taking up a singing career.

None of the actual people I remember from that job were there. One big guy appeared and he was retconned into my memory. "I'm back," I said. He took it well.

But when I sat down to actually do my job, I couldn't concentrate on it at all. I couldn't remember what I needed to do. So I just sat there and thought, Gee, this feels familiar.

There was a subplot involving Clark from Smallville and this powerful rogue being from another dimension. That was the most interesting part of the dream, but I can only remember bits and pieces.

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