Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Did you know that honey buns have 540 calories?

Jumbo Glazed Honey Buns from Cloverhill Bakery do, at any rate.

Dieting is hard. I drank a Slim-Fast this morning, but that leaves a gunky taste in my mouth, so I wanted something to chew on to get rid of it. The honey bun was the only thing that looked even remotely appealing in the vending machine...but now I've eaten half my daily allotted calories.


Ah well, I was planning on having a salad for lunch anyway :>


Anonymous said...

As a visitor to the USA, I'm often puzzled at the stuff you have in vending machines. Baked goods - if it's going to be in a vending machine, that means it's going to be full of preservatives and who knows what.

I had a look at this, and Brooke will be able to tell you how I described it.

But seriously, I do worry for you if you're only having 1080 calories a day and half has come from something that will be largely sugars. Please eat more, cook some veggies, they will leave you feeling more full.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I knew they were pretty chock full. :( Sucks, because they "taste" good, but I don't think they're worth the empty calories, anymore, that's why I won't eat them. Doesn't mean I didn't drool at them through the glass --BEFORE I GRADUATED!!-- when I'd visit the vending room right across from my psych room for my Daisani. I wonder if maybe we could find a recipe we could play with, Hea, that might make a little sweet bun, but maybe not be as "bad" as the vending machine version? At least without the preservatives. It'd be fun to hang out in the kitchen and experiment!! And hey, speaking of hanging in the kitchen, I've got a craving for some of that curry we make together; David was talking about curry last night, and I've been thinking about some ever since. :D

Heather Meadows said...

David: Well, I meant half when added to the Slim-Fast. But I think today I'm actually allotted around 1600. So this is what you call New, Completely Inaccurate Math.

David and Brooke: When I get home at night I do not want to cook. It's very rare when that isn't the case. I could eat far better things if I would just do it.

Brooke: I don't actually seek out honey was just the only thing that looked decent. I had some of the Soft Batch cookies yesterday, and, alarmingly, they were hard.

(Yes, I do realize I need to stop eating vending machine snacks and fast food.)

As far as curry, that would be nice. Maybe you could come over on Friday night before we leave for Kentucky? I've still got plenty of curry mix, rice, and chicken. Just need to get the veggies; I usually do potatoes, onions, and carrots.

Anonymous said...

Meh, whatever you eat I love you, just take care of yourself so I can continue to love you for years and years and years.. ;) And I hope I didn't sound high and mighty, because GOODNESS KNOWS I don't eat as many good things as I should.

And Friday's perfect for the curry.. ;)

Heather Meadows said...

Nah, no high and mightiness...I'm just still reeling from David's "please eat more". I can tell you for a fact that that is totally not the issue :>

Please eat more veggies, on the other hand...