Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I agree with James Brown (although I didn't know that I would)

This morning I awakened with the distinct impression that I was about to have an awful Charley horse in my left calf. There are things you can do to stop them, or to lessen their impact, so I set about keeping my leg as still as possible while I attempted to get out of bed so I could stand with my foot flat on the floor. It was mostly successful, though there in the middle I had a huge jolt of pain.

Despite that, though, I noticed something as I was waking up: I felt good.

Not only did I feel like I had gotten enough sleep, but my heart wasn't racing, and I felt like I could breathe--almost normally.

This good feeling carried me through my morning routine and out the door for a 25-minute walk around the neighborhood, during which I never once had to gasp for air. By the end of it I was a little winded, but I recovered almost immediately.

What the hell?

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but this is so different from how I've been feeling. I've been essentially unwilling to try to do anything due to how horrible my chest made me feel. Yesterday I was so annoyed about it that I broke down and had McDonald's for lunch, complete with sweet tea.

I can think of two environmental things that have changed recently that might explain this. First, I haven't spent a whole lot of time outside since last Wednesday, when I took a brief walk.

Second, we've been keeping the door to the second bedroom closed the past few days because of a really weird smell in there.

I thought at first that another lizard had gotten in and died, but I've scoured that room, moving the furniture even, and I can't find a damn thing. Plus, oddly, the smell occasionally goes away.

We're keeping the door shut so we don't have to smell it, but I think it'll also help contain the smell and make it stronger so when I finally call maintenance they'll know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, it's possible I'm allergic to whatever I'm smelling in there.

Or maybe it's neither of those two. I hope it's not the outdoors thing, because I don't want to seal myself away inside all the time.

Regardless, I haven't felt this good since the day I decided to start getting up earlier, right before I got gastroenteritis. Hope it continues!


Brooke said...

Hey, that's great! I'm glad you've been able to breathe better, and FELT better today! :)

Don't let that ease up on your conviction to ask your doctor about allergies and asthma; remember when I practically stopped riding my bike, because I couldn't breathe, and I hated the way exertion made me feel, because I felt like I couldn't breathe? Well I couldn't. My asthma started out diagnosed as "allergic bronchitis" which eventually turned into a full blown diagnosis of asthma. As long as I have my daily puff of asthma med, I'm good to go. I can't even remember the last time I had an asthma attack. I DO keep my emergency inhaler with me (I have one in the car, in my purse, in my backpack, etc..) and I've used it for a puff occasionally, but not for the reasons I used to CLING to them! Breathing now is so much a non-issue to me anymore, now that I'm getting settled in over here, I'm getting out for 3 and 4 mile walks almost everyday, again. :)

Mind you, the difference in temps between here and there makes it a HECK of a lot easier for me to do that than you, but I remember when I was walking like that in Augusta, I used to LOVE walking on a hot day, and working up a crazy heavy sweat before I went inside and took a relaxing shower. :)

Get the maintenance people to find that smell and fix the issue, paint that other wall you need painting, and check out the possibility of asthma. You're on the right track, too, of thinking of things that might be triggering it, and if you're not sure, bring them up with your doctor, too. Most likely, he's going to want you to see an allergist, and if you want a recommendation, I'll give you my old allergist's name; he's WAY easy to get along with, and he's really good.

Brooke said...

Wow, REALLY bad last paragraph. I agree to let the maintenance guys fix the smell, and paint the wall, but maybe you should let THE ALLERGIST check you out for the possibility of asthma.

Oh, and I was looking for you online this morning, but you never showed.

Heather Meadows said...

I got up and went on my walk, and then went to do freelance work, and then went straight to work.

I think my mind is conceiving a good morning schedule that will allow me to do EVERYTHING, including chat with you! MWAHAHAHAHA.

Brooke said...

Yey, NICE!! Walking 4tw!! And I just LOVE plans that will let you walk, get free lance work done, AND give us a good chat break as well!! :D

I might not get to talk with you in the morning, though, the Marilyn and "Auntie Wendy" are coming over in the afternoon --about the time you and I get to talk :(-- and we're having lunch and all that good stuff. I've never met Wendy in person, but I've talked to her on the phone. She's sweet; she likes to hear me talk, thinks I have a "pretty Southern accent." ;) TOO cute. I'll let you know how that goes. :)

Heather Meadows said...

Be sure and ask her if she knows Peter Pan. ;>

(That "Auntie Wendy" reminded me of "Granny Wendy" from Hook, one of my all-time favorite movies...)

The chat time would be earlier than we've been talking. I can't go to the freelance thing earlier than 8 o'clock, and the sun rises around 6:45, so the plan that is slowly congealing is for me to get up at an unspecified time, cook Sean's "dinner" (or breakfast, if he'd prefer that) and eat cereal or Slim-Fast or something, putter around online, then head out for my walk, get my shower, do the freelance, and go to work, all starting at around 6:45. I'll eat whatever I cooked that morning for lunch and have a sandwich for dinner (or nothing at all, like I've been doing lately) and then go to bed not long after I get home. I may go for a swim at the Y before bed.

I'll have to get up at at least 5 for this to work out, but I have to remember that that will make my bedtime move up too. Today I felt rested on 7 hours and 45 minutes of sleep, but I think the amount of sleep I need varies.

We'll see...

Unknown said...

Sounds like a nicely congealing plan there, Madam! ;)

Oh, and THAT Wendy might not know him, but the Marilyn LIVES NEXT DOOR TO PETER & WENDY! How utterly lovely freaky crazy is that?!

Heather Meadows said...

hahaha, wild!

...What did you do, make a second Blogger account?