Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New schedule

I woke up this morning at around 4 o'clock. Due to a combination of not really feeling tired and Sean's talking and laughing floating through the door, I couldn't get back to sleep. I'd set the alarm for 6, thinking that if I woke up earlier I'd go ahead and get up, but when I thought "earlier" I was thinking 5 or 5:30, so this seemed a little ridiculous at first.

Still, I got up, and went ahead and put on my workout clothes and put up my hair. (It's long enough now that I can do those goofy pigtails on either side of my head, which I do in order to lessen the sweatosity. Sure, sweatosity's a word.)

Then I cleaned the kitchen, which just involved getting everything in the sink into the dishwasher.

I asked Sean if he was hungry and if he wanted breakfast or dinner. Even though for him this would be his last meal of the day, he always wants to have breakfast in the Circadian morning. So that's what he asked for. This sort of put a crimp in my plans to make a dinner and then pack up my half for lunch, but I improvised and cooked breakfast and dinner at the same time.

Breakfast consisted of eggs, bacon, and pancakes made from the batter I'd made a couple days ago. I thinned the batter out with some milk and the pancakes seemed to turn out better. Does my batter need to be left in the fridge for awhile and then thinned, or is this just due to the Bisquick being a little old? In any case, I also considered grits, but I decided the preceding was plenty of food.


For dinner, I found a recipe in my Taste of Home cookbook for meatloaf, so I whipped that up, even chopping an onion for it. I used part of the onion in the eggs and put the rest in a Ziploc bag in the fridge. Unfortunately I don't have a loaf pan so the meatloaf went into a cake pan...hope it's not too dry.

I also made some sour cream and chive scalloped potatoes a la Betty Crocker, starting them later than the meatloaf (they take less time to cook--though I guess I don't really need to have everything come out at the same time when I'm cooking in advance. Habit, I suppose).

I'll top all that off with broccoli. Sean says he doesn't want to take his dinner to work, so I'm taking frozen veggies with me to steam in the work microwave, and I'll make his veggies tonight when I get home so he'll have them when he gets here at 11:45.

As soon as the sun came up I went on my walk. It was longer than I thought it was; I got back at 7:30, which meant either I would have to leave things unfinished or go to my freelance work late. Freelance took the hit because I wanted to have time to dress, pack lunches, and finish this post.

After the freelance work I'll head to regular work, just like yesterday.

This seems like a pretty decent schedule. The rush towards the end isn't great, but I'm trapped by the time the sun comes up and the time the freelance place opens. Then again, I won't be doing freelance work every morning, so I suppose it'll be okay every once in awhile. says the sun rose at 6:55, which is later than the 6:45 I was assuming, so that explains the rush a little. I don't guess this is going to work as well once fall gets here.

Another issue is that I'm really not all that hungry in the morning, so most of my lovely breakfast remained uneaten. Then again, I suppose that's good for my diet ;> I think I'll shift to cooking breakfast just for Sean tomorrow (it'll be good to ensure he's getting at least two square meals) and grab a bowl of cereal or Slim-Fast for myself.


Brooke said...

You're really tearing up the patch in the "getting organized" department, that's GREAT!

And the breakfast looks pretty good, too (I'd just want the pancakes :P) but what is it all sitting on? Is that a plate? It LOOKS LIKE a stove burner cover, from the picture, but I guess that's because I can't place a traditional shape to the surface the food is on?

Heather Meadows said...

Um, of course it's a burner cover...everyone's eating off them now. Sheesh, I figured that even if you were out of the country you'd be hip to the latest trends.


It is a plate, thank you very much. I believe you have eaten off one from that set, actually.

Chuck said...

That is an extremely tasty-looking breakfast, I must say. Usually I'm lazy and just have cereal and toast. Once in a while I get crazy and have some scrambled eggs. :)

Brooke said...

The shadows threw me off, I guess; not to mention I was looking more intently at the FOOD, actually, not exactly what it was on.

Come to England, I'LL make you some Georgia pancakes; I have so many boxes of bisquick, I could probably mortar a small house, and I have AUNT JEMIMA MAPLE SYRUP!! Can't get THAT at the regular grocery here, unfortunately. :( And don't even get me STARTED on the lack of grits in the "Land of Hope and Glory."

Heather Meadows said...

Thanks Chuck! I normally have cereal, Slim-Fast, or nothing :D Today I had a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit from McDonald's...I wanted a Fruit 'n Yogurt Parfait, but they didn't realize they were out of them until after they swiped my debit card ;P

Brooke, I noticed the shadows were kind of weird too, but I wanted to give you a hard time anyway :D

Aunt Jemima! I use Hungry Jack because the short tub is easy to put in the microwave. Of course, it's not real maple syrup. But it tastes good to me!