Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Come to the U.S.! Get fat!

Yahoo! News (UK Reuters): Oddly Enough - Thin immigrants get fat in U.S

This isn't really surprising, but it's good that a study like this has been done. It underlines the inherent problems in our dietary culture.

Now we just need to understand more completely what they are, and how to combat them...

1 comment:

Heather Meadows said...

I definitely agree that our penchant towards larger portions is a huge factor. This comes, I believe, from our spendthrift mentality: more for our money is always better, even when it's food. Quantity over quality, in many cases.

A second big factor, in my mind, is our desire for convenience, and how this has shaped how we do things. Because it's more convenient to drive, for example, everyone ended up having a car. Because everyone has a car, we can build things further apart. You can't walk to all the places you need to go. You could ride a bike to many of them, but not many roads are bike-friendly. So the "convenience" of driving became a necessity...a necessity that translates into more sitting-around time.

I don't think there's a simple solution, unfortunately, but hopefully with more and more people becoming aware of these factors, things can be done to combat them.