Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Losing weight?

I met a woman today who was featured in the March issue of Shape Magazine for losing 266 pounds. She's the daughter of one of my coworkers, and she used to work for Smoak's Bakery back when they were still open. By watching her fat intake and portion sizes, she has kept the weight off for 7 years. When my coworker made fudge the other night, this lady came in, leaned over it, inhaled deeply, and said, "Ah, that's good." She never ate any of it.

She said today that she works out 5-6 days a week.

Obviously, diet and exercise are the keys. I just need to get back on the horse. These past couple of weeks have been bad. Parties at work, cookie-baking at home...I've started to just snack and snack and snack, and since it's been cold, I haven't been biking. Here's the graph of my weight for the duration of my diet, since it started on October 3:

As you can see, I've sort of stalled. I need to start working out more, and not wussing out when it's cold. There's a workout room over at the apartment office; I can go there.

And I need to stop snacking :P My coworker's daughter said in Shape that TV was causing her to overeat out of boredom, so she stopped watching it and started reading instead. I need to cut down on the habits that cause me to eat out of boredom, too.

Today at work was really bad...I had nothing to do after finishing up my work (I got done in like an hour and a half), and I had to sit there smelling the gingerbread house. When my coworkers all brought in food for another party, I just kept nibbling and nibbling. I even drank punch instead of water. I don't know how much pumpernickel bread and spinach dip I ate; I know I ate way too many sugar cookies.

I've tried to put it all in DietPower. Hopefully I was close. If I am, I ate something like 1300 calories. (Eeep.)

I want to say that it'll be good when the holidays are over, because then I won't have all the temptation...but to be honest, I can't just count on that. I have to make a permanent change within myself. After all, Christmas happens every year. ;P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen the lady of whom you speak on national television new show before, Heather; I think she's SUCH an inspiration! I'm so glad I was poking around your blog on Christmas morning, when in just a few hours I'll be surrounded by friends, family, presents and FOOD for the rest of the day!! I, too, have been having issues with my weight --moreso the lack of TIME to exercise and plan my meals-- since I'm about to change jobs at work. I don't foresee it letting up anytime soon, either, seeing as my boss isn't even going to start interviewing for someone to take MY position until mid-January. That means it will most likely be end of February before I get that person trained and able to work on their own. My current job may not be difficult, but I use specific software and computer systems each day, that unless you have experience with, can be a bit daunting when you come up against a unique situation, but I digress...

The point of all THAT is, I'll be working from before we open in the mornings, to way late in the evenings, when all of the mobiles are back for the day. That REALLY cuts into a person's free time for exercise and meal planning!!

I'm going to keep your blog entry in mind when I go to see my family today, and I'll remember the lady who's changed her life for good health, and smells the fudge instead of EATS the fudge. Now, while I can't promise such exemplary self control, I'm still going to keep in mind how I've been feeling about myself lately, and the lack of exercise and meal planning, and do what I need to do to at least keep all of the guilt to a minimum.

One of my "Christmas presents to me" is the membership fees to Health Central set aside, so I can start back there after the first of the year, or my previous job is finally filled, and I am (FINALLY!) strictly working 8a-4p Monday through Friday.

Good luck with the munchy curbing today, Girlie!! I'm gonna try to do the same!

Oh, and just a little added bit:
I never thought about totally CHANGING my activities as you mentioned the lady who lost all the weight has done. While I'm not one to eat in front of the tv, per se, I have a BAD habit of eating late at night, This stems back to my current employment situation, though, which will be fixed soon..!

Merry Christmas, Heather, and keep up the good work with your lifestyle changes! :)
