Monday, December 13, 2004

The horror of "round robin" Christmas letters

Yahoo! has a funny story today about those Christmas letters you get from friends and relatives chronicling the past year. I'm of two minds about the practice--on the one hand, it's nice to know what everyone's up to, but on the other, as the article points out, they often seem like gloatfests. I sent a small letter with my Christmas cards last year...I'm not sure I'm going to do anything of the kind this year, simply because I'm so disorganized. I haven't even bought cards yet (doing that today, hopefully).

What do you think of these "round robin" letters, readers? Have you ever gotten one? Have you ever written one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind getting one of those if I don't see the person often, especially friends who are in another country, like you and the others on the AMRN. I've bought my cards, but I haven't had time to go to the post office. x_x Bleh.
