Sunday, December 26, 2004

Soon, the answer to the mystery will be revealed...

Yes...soon, I will head up to Mari's for the Post Christmas Leftovers Munching and Elf Watching Party, and then I will discover whether or not her "peanut butter blossoms" are the same thing as my Black-Eyed Susans.

(The horror!)

[Edit 23:57: They are not, in fact, the same thing. Her "blossoms" are what I call Cyclops Cookies; they're the big peanut butter cookies, rolled into balls by hand and then squished with a Hershey's kiss in the middle. My Black-Eyed Susans are pressed cookies in the shape of flowers with chocolate chips in the center. In addition to those, I made Coconut Snowmen (from Taste of Home), Spritz Christmas Trees (covered in white chocolate, from the Wilton cookbook), Chocolate Crinkles (from Cookies for Kids, which is also where the Cyclops recipe comes from), and Hint of Berry Bonbons (from Taste of Home--they didn't turn out extraordinarily well, but meh). Mari also made shortbread, which was fabulous, plus sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, and some other kind of cookie that I don't remember. Good stuff. Brooke brought s'mores on a stick and chocolate-dipped pretzels...evil. Chris brought his appetite ;>]