Thursday, April 21, 2005

Career advising update

The career advisor is out of town this week, and only does interviews on Fridays, so I am staying through next Friday. I will be taking a Kiersey sorter and doing some "homework" before then, and then we will have a two hour session in which we will discuss my likes and personality and jobs that might be good for me, and how to get them, and stuff.

My homework is to list all the jobs I think I might like, and then go back and write pros and cons for all of them and find the job descriptions at the US Labor Department. I'm also supposed to ask 3-5 people who are close to me what kind of job they could see me doing.

I figured I could go ahead and ask everybody who reads my blog, too: what sort of job can you see me doing? What sort of job would you think I would enjoy/be good at?

(It's like I'm copying off of Jazz! ;>)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been doing that U.S. Dept. of Labor searching for years now. It is highly useful, despite the fact that I have not managed to settle down into something yet. I think you would make a great photojournalist. Your pics are great, you make a place that I would assume to be boring into an area I hope to someday visit, and your blog is living proof of how well you can write on a broad range of topics. Plus you are worldly enough for it, I think you have the objectivity capability, and you want to travel, which photojournalism would probably require. And it is probably something you could do as a semi- telecommute when you are home, which may be good since you don't like to be around idiots/bosses all the time. Then there is the working with kids thing. I recently read that for women who aren't ready to have kids yet (unmarried, career oriented, whatever), but have the urge, can get it out of their system by working with kids (even in a volunteer position). Your anger/passion demonstrated on this blog could be useful in an advocacy position, or writing about societal ills. Let's face it, skills abound for you, therefore choices do as well. This can be paralyzing, but it really is a blessing. You and I, unlike a lot of people struggling with this question in our twenties, have other people to think about, as well. On the other hand we have financial stability due to our husbands, which is not the norm. Anyway, you have a lot that you could do. You could break it up into more than one career in a lifetime, as is pretty normal nowadays, or job and volunteerism, or whatever. Putting skills aside, since you have so many, what do you like? Language, learning, photography, travel. You could be a college prof, and do research in other lands from time to time. That might totally rock. I imagine that kind of job would also be pretty flexible (you can take sabbaticals, do research elsewhere, go to conferences, be off in the summer, and nowadays, even teach from home). I think brainstorming for you might be helping me.... I might be interested in collaborating with you in a couple of things, btw. Like photographing subjects for a mag. article, or helping me to figure out this invention idea, or helping with a website once I do the latter. Anyway, when you do find what it is you want or are supposed to do, you'll soar.